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>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • Barney & Bailey Finished


    In the proofing stage now, here’s where it’s at! ;D

    Barney & Bailey WIP – The Underpainting!


    I painted a LOT today! This is their underpainting. The only thing “finished” is the background, everything else will be deepened, lightened, enhanced, furred up and all that fancy painting stuff!

    The creamy chest will have very white highlights, the eyes will be twinklier, Barney’s lip will reflect that uberly lovable saliva they love to drip on ya with their wet kisses, and Bailey’s tongue will be prettier-in-pink! They are really going to be beautiful!

    Barney & Bailey Painting on Webcam!


    Webcam Link

    My webcam is on if you would like to watch me as I work on Barney & Bailey this afternoon!

    We went out yesterday afternoon with Grandma, it was fun! Jayden had a good time, too. 🙂

    I’ve been fiddling with some new blog/website layout ideas, hopefully you will all get to see it in action very soon! I’ll keep you updated, it’s going to be a fabulous surprise!!

    Ooh yes, I have a quick (literally, a couple of minutes) doodle to share. This is for you, K! 😉 Do you recognize the character?

    Next piece, 2 Bernese!


    It’s a two-entry morning! I wanted each of these pieces to have their own entry! Bailey’s completed scan is below, and now here’s the next piece I’ll be painting. These are a couple of lovely Bernese, Barney (left) and Bailey (right). Yes! Another Bailey girl! 🙂



    I’m to the proofing stage, here’s how she looks now. The white is really white though, I will scan the painting when it’s dry. 🙂

    Bailey WIP#5


    She’s starting to show up now, see her in there? I’ll probably finish her up tomorrow. 🙂

    Bailey WIP#4


    I refined her eyes and nose tonight, they require the most layers of paint for three-dimensionality so I’ll let this dry tonight and while I’m working on her fur tomorrow I can enhance them more.

    This pup really isn’t purple and mud, you know. This is that whole skin/bottom layer/dark shading thing I was telling you about. Gotta build from the bottom up! Tomorrow she’ll start looking more “normal”, and by the end you’ll wanna reach into your monitor and sqwish and love her to pieces! 😉

    Bailey WIP#3


    Here’s her underpainting! Pretty freaky, huh? Heh! I do have fun spooking everyone with my underpaintings. BOO. (it’s really not that scary is it?)

    Bailey WIP#2 & Stuff!


    Whew! I’m sitting down!

    As promised, here’s the second work in progress of Bailey’s portrait. ‘Auntie M’ recommended red, so red it is! 😉

    Just as FYI, the holiday gift basket giveaway has ended and the winner has been contacted. If we don’t hear back within 3 days, the runner-up will get the prize! I’m hoping to be able to send out an announcement when we hear back, and then of course everyone who entered will get special pricing on custom portraits for a designated time. (After the holidays, sorry! I’m booked right now!)

    I continued to “de-clutter” today, and you know when all the clutter is gone, it just looks so bare? Yea. Well I solved that problem this afternoon. LOL! Leave it to me, never an un-creative moment in my life. Here’s what I created this afternoon…

    I wanted some color! It was all white back there behind those shelves. Blah. And blah is not allowed in my house. ;P~

    Now I’ve got some webdesigning stuff to do tonight, so I will catch up with you tomorrow! Have a great evening!!!

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