Please visit my new, improved website!

>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • Fundamental Romanticism


    What do you guys think of that title?

    I was watchin’ election stuff, sorry about the delay in getting out into the studio! Hey, for those of you who are viewing my cam in its new location, anything special you needed to do to view it? Your comments would help me figure out if/how I can help anyone who can’t get it to load. Thanks in advance!

    I am going to go paint now!!!! Watch me!

    These roses are INCREDIBLE. I really just want to lay my head on top of them and take a nap. They are so colorful, soft, huge, plush, and SOoOoOoO fragrant!! Enjoy.



    Anybody else up all night? Really I wasn’t awake all night long, I fell asleep with the TV on and woke up several times throughout the morning to catch Brit Hume’s “too close to call” monotoned voice.


    Ok now I have to say this, it’s really corny and I’m going to pretend I just thought it up myself because I haven’t heard anyone say it yet, so play along ok?

    “Hey Kerry, why the long face?”

    (insert chuckles here)

    It would be really nice to see Kerry concede instead of turning into Gore Junior. The majority of America has spoken, the popular vote says it all, doesn’t it? Now they’re showing their true colors by fighting it. They have no respect for a majority of Americans. Anyone surprised?

    I will finish this painting today. Name suggestions? Anyone? Ok. I’ll just go with my title then.

    Fundamental Romanticism.

    The dog tags are going to take a while to paint. I didn’t take a WIP shot lastnight since I’ve got it lying down now and the bottom half was wet. It’ll happen today.

    Ok I have one other teenie little thing to do to get my webcam on MY SITE. Yes, that’s right. I’ll update again before I start painting, as I might have that finished and have Miss Cam linked to her new destination. 😉

    UPDATE already! Click on the cam link, and let me know if you have ANY problems viewing please! I’m on the trial version of this program and I’d like to know if it works for everyyyyone before I purchase. GRAZIE!!!

    Happy Day After Election Day!

    Election Day !!


    Today is going to be a long day into a late night being election day and all! I do not anticipate going to bed until well after midnight. Anyone elses nerves in a bundle today? All I want to know is that the future of my husbands tour in Iraq is going to be a safe one and that it ends as scheduled. That the Iraqi people aren’t abandoned halfway through the program by a new person who really doesn’t care. Those are just my two major concerns. 😉

    So I flipped the calendar lastnight, I bought this very inspiring Flavia calendar for 2004. Here is this month’s inspirational saying:

    “May we take time to give thanks for this sweet life, and for the wisdom of those who’ve helped us to see it more clearly.”r />Jay and Cocoa were having some sweet moments this morning too:

    You can see more full size pics of them both here.

    I plan to finish my emotional piece today, and I will need your help on a name! I have one in mind and I am really curious to see what you guys think of. Let me know, and then I’ll let you know! I do have commissions to get to though and I apologize to those on the schedule who are waiting for me to start theirs! A couple of personal notes, one for KM – I am wondering if AOL is filtering mail from my server? Let me know if you’re receiving e-mail from me. And DJ – I had e-mailed your composition and will start yours after KM’s..I know you’re busy so when you get a minute drop me a note and your thoughts on it! 🙂

    Okee doke friends, the webcam is ON and will have it on again all afternoon!

    Emotional Painting, WIP #3


    Today’s progress…. it feels wierd to see what this is turning into. I’d love for you to tell me what you think and how you feel when you look at it.

    P.S. here’s a link to the original photo that I took, just click here to see it.

    Painting on cam – WIP #2


    Yep, I’ve got the cam on, and I’ll be painting on and off all afternoon.

    Just so ya know, I did download a new program to set up cam within my site, and will try to get that up and running soon for those of you with wierd firewalls and error messages on the yahoo cam viewer. We’ll take care of ya really soon!

    Going to nuke some nuggets and get started!

    3:57 PM WIP#2

    An emotional work in progress.


    Here is my work for the day.

    Most of you will recognize this composition. I poured an immesureable amount of emotion into painting today, and I hope that is conveyed in what I’ve accomplished so far. This is just the underpainting. I will probably finish this piece tomorrow, and I will try to remember to breathe.

    (Where’s my chocolate?)

    Thank you once again, you know who you are. I am so deeply touched at your care and concern, I don’t even know how to express it.

    xoxoxoxo again, guys.

    Completed Portrait


    “” Here she is, she awaits approval, and I will sign her tomorrow.

    Cleo : Finishing Up on Webcam!


    Just getting things finished up around the house, I had my stitches removed (ouch) this morning and we had to stop and pick up some fabric and stuff. I’m finally settling down to paint, and plan on finishing up Cleo’s portrait this afternoon.

    The webcam is on if you’d like to watch. 🙂

    Cleo WIP #2


    Just turning the webcam off now, here’s Cleo’s progress shot for the day. She’s coming along nicely, I may finish her tomorrow afternoon.

    I will catch up with you tomorrow morning! Have a great night.

    psst……sorry I’m adding more political stuff! These are funny!
    (these will open in windows media player)
    Florida State Electronic Voting System
    Instant Kerry

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