Anybody else up all night? Really I wasn’t awake all night long, I fell asleep with the TV on and woke up several times throughout the morning to catch Brit Hume’s “too close to call” monotoned voice.
Ok now I have to say this, it’s really corny and I’m going to pretend I just thought it up myself because I haven’t heard anyone say it yet, so play along ok?
“Hey Kerry, why the long face?”
(insert chuckles here)
It would be really nice to see Kerry concede instead of turning into Gore Junior. The majority of America has spoken, the popular vote says it all, doesn’t it? Now they’re showing their true colors by fighting it. They have no respect for a majority of Americans. Anyone surprised?
I will finish this painting today. Name suggestions? Anyone? Ok. I’ll just go with my title then.
Fundamental Romanticism.
The dog tags are going to take a while to paint. I didn’t take a WIP shot lastnight since I’ve got it lying down now and the bottom half was wet. It’ll happen today.
Ok I have one other teenie little thing to do to get my webcam on MY SITE. Yes, that’s right. I’ll update again before I start painting, as I might have that finished and have Miss Cam linked to her new destination. 😉
UPDATE already! Click on the cam link, and let me know if you have ANY problems viewing please! I’m on the trial version of this program and I’d like to know if it works for everyyyyone before I purchase. GRAZIE!!!
Happy Day After Election Day!