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>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • Painting today!


    I will be painting on webcam in a little while! Baby is dry so I am going to work on her today, and get back to Mo when her portrait is finished.

    Thanks, Mrs. P for the additional pics of Mo! They’re PERFECT! Mo is a therapy dog and in the pose reference photo he’s “in uniform”, wearing this cool cape sort of a uniform with his hospital badge. Since I couldn’t see the fur pattern on his shoulder, she sent me a few more of him on his day off. Yay! Thanks again!!!

    The lightswitch in the bathroom is still busted. Foo! Taking a shower is hard enough with a gimpy foot that can’t get wet, so let’s add darkness to the challenge! LOL The good news is that the SSG from Mark’s unit is going to stop over to fix it for me. THANK YOU! This is the first time I’ve asked for help from the Family Support Group, it’s unlike me to think “I CAN’T DO THIS!” You know? This switch is ancient, they don’t even make them anymore, so fixing it requires cutting a bigger hole in the wall. My approach to this type of situation would be to tear the whole room apart down to the studs since it needs to be redone anyway, and that’s just not an option right now. :P~

    Interesting stuff today, huh?

    I put a fun poll over there —-> Just for fun! You can vote daily even!

    Caitlin’s haircut turned out adorable! I think it’s the best cut I’ve ever given her, and she agrees! She was running late this morning (as usual) so I couldn’t get a pic of her before she left for school. I’ll snap a pic of her tonight and show ya what a cutie pie she is. 🙂

    Time for me to get movin’, I’ll update when I’m ready to paint (I’m guessing it will be around 10-10:30am CST) and you can check in on me on the webcam when you can!


    Mo – WIP #1


    Here he is, isn’t he a STUD! I have a lotta work yet to do, but I am happy that I got his base coat done. This will dry while I work on Baby tomorrow.

    So guess what happened while I was painting today?

    1. We ran out of TP.
    2. The light switch in the bathroom went kaput. (ha! Tie that in with the other and it was pretty funny if you think about it, and especially since it didn’t happen to you! LOL)
    3. We ran out of Paper towels.
    4. Caitlin reminded me that picture day is tomorrow. Guess who wants a haircut?
    5. Guess who wants a new outfit?


    Ok I better get busy! Gimp..gimp..gimp…

    Today’s Schedule…


    I am not sure yet what time I will begin painting, I have a few things that need attention this morning! I’ll update when I’ve got the webcam on to let you know!

    Happy Tuesday!

    Gus – Second WIP


    Gus is going to hang out and get some air tonight, and tomorrow may receive a little more tweaking, maybe not. I’ll get a scan of him and we’ll go from there! 🙂

    Here’s the digital pic of him (signed, as any further revisions will be minimal)…

    Painting Gus!


    I’m late, I’m late! For a very important date! ;D

    I just started the webcam, going to get the girls lunch and I’ll be painting!

    < -- cam link, and all that jazz.. need help? Ask me! I have it on "large image" (so right click on the cam image to zoom) Enjoy! Update 3:08PM CST : I’ve finished painting for a bit, I left the camera centered over the top of Gus for a while if you wanna have a look at him! 🙂

    Gus – WIP #1


    Here’s the first work in progress pic of Gus…

    I’ll be having surgery tomorrow, so if I don’t work on him more tonight (which I may not since this really needs to dry before I start lightening his fur), I’ll work on him later tomorrow or Saturday. 🙂

    Have a great night!

    Gus wins!


    I’m going to start up the webcam in a couple of minutes and hope to start painting by 9:30am CST!

    I had hoped to start earlier this morning, but Muffin (we’re watching my in-laws pup) woke me up a few times lastnight and I couldn’t even crawl out of bed early enough to chat with my hubby. 🙁

    Then we ran out of milk. LOL

    Ok going to prep and start the cam! (Cam link over on the left…you know the drill, right? If you don’t, just holler, I’ll check in!)

    Pick my next painting!


    Ok guys! You get to pick my next painting! 😀

    Choice #1: Gus

    Choice #2: Baby

    Choice #3: Mo

    Leave your comment here, anonymous if you wish, I’ll be painting one of these on webcam beginning tomorrow!

    Getting ready to paint!


    The cam is on, I will start in just a few minutes!

    < --Webcam link over there

    Some info about the cam link: If my cam image does not appear, you may have a firewall up. You will need to disable your firewall, many of them see cam’s as “naughty”, and block all of them automatically. Mine is rated PG. 😉

    If your image is teenie, right click on it and you will have option to zoom. This will trigger Yahoo to pick up the full capture area.

    If it is just being a pain, you can download/install/open your Yahoo Instant Messenger. (My ID is ‘intricateartist’). Once you open it, you will have to add me as a friend. I have tried to disable the approve dialogue but can’t, so you may have to wait a few minutes for me to add you back. Once you see my ID on your list, there will be a link next to my ID that says “watch me paint!” Click on that, and the cam will open in a nice little window! 🙂

    Ok I’m going to prep! See you live!

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