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  • Caption Contest


    male cardinal house sparrows photo
    I was going to put this in my photoblog (you can vote for it here, btw), but decided you guys had better caption it for me, first. The winner will get the photoblog entry named after it. (Woohoo! Talk about a great prize!!)

    I crack myself up.


    phoenix said,

    Frank peruses his harem…

    It is gooood to be male!

    Card and the Cardettes

    No ladies! It is Up – Then down!!

    The line starts over there!

    Feel my redness!

    Your just jealous…

    Hey! Where do you think you’re going?

    hehehe This is fun!


    4.7.2007 @ 10:17 am
    Mom said,

    Big Red: “All right you guys, LISTEN UP! I establish the pecking order around here! ”
    Other He: “HEY! Get a life! Those are MY kids! Go get your own to boss around!

    4.8.2007 @ 7:19 am
    clara said,

    In Marine Sergent voice of course, “What’s wrong with you, don’t you know the early bird gets the worm! Peck, peck, peck. We’ll be here all day if we have to! Drop and give me 20! Hoo-Rah!”

    4.8.2007 @ 2:21 pm
    Leanne said,

    Clara wins – it was the Hoo-rah that did it! :rofl:

    4.10.2007 @ 8:33 am
    carmen said,

    I know this is too late, but I’ll play anyway. The cardinal looks like he’s a drill sergent, so I say “Ten Hut!”

    Or, like he’s running a gym boot camp.

    “Feel the burn!”

    4.11.2007 @ 10:06 am
    Angel said,

    “Hey, I thought this was the meeting for the Red Feather Society!”

    LOVE your pictures as always. We have a Cardinal who loves to peck at my son’s window. He does it especially at naptime, so either we think my son is playing or he wakes him up. The bird is appropriately named Trouble 😉

    Thanks for all the blog love, I’ve woken up for the time being LOL :hug:

    4.12.2007 @ 12:13 am

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