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>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • Cat Portrait : Callie Completed!


    My oh my. I love this kitty’s eyes!! Had to take a close up shot to show you. Wet paint of course, and glare, fooey, but here ya go:


    Karen said,

    Once again, I am speechless. Callie is spectacular! Her close up shot is perfection!
    One happy mom…Karen

    2.5.2005 @ 6:31 am
    Leanne said,

    Karen! You’ve got five paintings sitting in my studio! And I’m awful, I think I’m the worst compliment-accepter on the face of the planet. Thank you, thank you thank you thank you. You are so sweet to hang out while I paint your babies, and comment on them before they’re even varnished or scanned with wet paint and glare and all those imperfections that are what they are in my process of completing a painting!

    They are all dry this morning, and I’ll be varnishing them in a few minutes! Then you will be able to *really* see them. I must say, as their proud painting-momma, they’re all equally beautiful in their own special way. As cats and as paintings!

    2.5.2005 @ 8:03 am
    Karen said,

    I will cherish these portraits forever and enjoy them every single day. Now all I have to do is decide where I will display these beauties. A million thanks. You are the best!

    2.5.2005 @ 4:30 pm

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