We made it through the weekend, although slightly damp and a little swollen – no worse for wear! We have the best looking trash in the neighborhood – topped with lovely plush carpet and padding, to boot!
(By slightly damp I mean soaked to the bone, and by a little swollen I mean walking around like really old people in dire need of hip and back replacements. Sucks, getting old.)
So here’s some of the havoc we wreaked, and we’re looking for a couple of contractors to finish what we started.

Our family room had a horrible musty smell and bug issues. When we tore off the pine slats (which are like $6 a piece, and it sucked to saw them in half and put them in a dumpster), there was a lot of mold. The rain proved that the mold problem was an old one that kept getting covered up, as everything was really dry in there.
One good thing? Smells a heck of a lot better in there now. It still smells like old wood, and old insulation – but it won’t for long. I can’t wait for the smell of fresh drywall, joint compound and fresh paint and flooring. Aaaahhh – put a “For Sale” sign on top (like you would a cherry), and we’re good to go!
wow, what a lot of work! You need a hot bath and a long massage! I hope you update us on everything, and on those baby birds too!
Lots of hard work but you can already see the rewards of it. Looks like your well on the way to putting that sign in the ground. :giggle:
Wow you all really worked hard!! It’s rewarding though, isn’t it? Take care of those sore muscles, reward yourself with a long soak in the tub for a few nights, that should help. And be sure to bring a book and a glass of wine with you so you will be really relaxed! :winking:
you’re like me, always wait to tackle a job until it’s raining. why is that? we had the same problem when we renovated our main bathroom, amazing to see what kind of damage a bit of water can do.
Good for you! But what a TON of work. :p
Oh boy, are you ever getting into it! It’ll look great when it’s all done, and nothing sells a house faster than the smell of fresh paint and a brand new room. Good Luck!
[…] At the same time we were wrangling the big bad Harley dog, our contractors arrived to start rebuilding the room we gutted. Hi-ho, Hi-ho! It’s off to Lowe’s I go! They needed more materials, and I made myself another shopping list. […]
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