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>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • Friday evening update…


    Holy cannoli, what a day! I don’t think I’ve done that much math in my head since high school. LOL

    I unloaded the garage and loaded up two trucks with stuff to add to the sale for tomorrow, WISH ME LUCK! And lots and lots of sized 14-22 women who love clothes. And expecting moms, and moms with infants. 😀 That will take care of everything and I won’t have to bring anything home! YAHOO!

    I tell you what though, not painting today, I am getting the jitters. Even just thinking about not painting tomorrow is making me a little nauseous! I am so in love with my oils, and so excited to really excel and expand my compositions and gallery!!! I have so many ideas!

    You know that painting from Vermeer has already taught me so much, looking at his palette, using only the colors he used (ok 2 extras ’cause I couldn’t figure out which was which on his palette description!). I was really intimidated by working this piece. I had it ready to start for a few days, and I was headed home one day and honestly started painting it in my head! I knew I was ready for it, now to finish it and to have a painting that is truly a tribute to Vermeer – I will be SOOO EXCITED!

    Aaah. Ok folks sorry to ramble, just had to get that off my chest! Now please accept my apologies for my lack of cam painting today and tomorrow, I PROMISE I will paint Sunday, and I will finish this piece by Tuesday or Wednesday of next week! (Ok, Thursday or Friday. LOL)

    I still have some eye candy for you! See how mean I am, make you read all that when all you really wanted was something easy on the eyes. Ok here you go! This is a flower in my in-law’s garden. Anyone know what it is? An African Daisy perhaps? The light was hitting it just right and it just caught my eye from the driveway. Aaah. Sniff. Enjoy. It’s my favorite color!

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