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  • Hardee’s For Idiots


    Hardee’s advertising executives must really be struggling after having one of the Hiltons wash a car for a burger half nekkid. (What’s with the half nekkid theme this week, anyway?)

    I used to be interested in watching thir commercials. Now? Not so much. Come on people.

    After seeing the current commercial for their wonderful and tasty breakfast biscuits, I’ve come to the conclusion that they no longer want my business, they would prefer the business of idiots. Preferrably men, illiterate men, who grunt and can’t read simple instructions.

    The scene, if you haven’t caught it, goes something like this:

  • Apparently hungover man dressed in a hardly washed t-shirt and boxers, unshaven with mussed up hair stumbles into kitchen, opens refrigerator, retrieves prepackaged biscuits in a tube.
  • Stares at the tube, wondering how the tube will manage to open itself up and the biscuits, now freed from their confinement, will find the oven and hop in before he falls over from starvation.
  • Gets frustrated with the tube, I presume because it hasn’t opened itself yet.
  • Smacks tube on counter several times.
  • Glares at tube, shows tube who’s boss.
  • Gnaws on the end of the tube with, hey… wait! Well polished teeth! That’s wierd. Still. I worry, because chewing on tin and cardboard can’t be good for those pearly white puppies.
  • Continues chewing and gnawing and pounding.
  • Leaves the tube of biscuits on the counter, frustrated and hungry, and stumbles out of the room.
  • Deep man voice starts talking, shows a picture of Hardee’s breakfast biscuit, and explains how they’re made just for neanderthals like this guy. Without Hardee’s, idiots like him would go hungry.
  • end commercial.

    I like Hardee’s. When I get really hungry and would like a meal that has a quantity of calories and fat grams that oversaturate the average human heart, that’s the first place I think of. Their burgers knock the socks off of any other burger on the planet, imho. Still.

    So what do you think? Would you run out to buy one of these breakfast biscuts after seeing this commercial? What food commercial leaves you shaking your head and wondering “how did THAT get on the air?”


    Tommi said,

    Thank the good Lord we don’t have a Hardees out here! They’re all “extinct”!

    11.2.2005 @ 9:49 am
    Lisa said,

    Hardee’s sucks, man.

    All I have to say is one thing:

    Wendy’s double bacon cheeseburger. :2cents:

    11.2.2005 @ 2:40 pm
    Tommi said,

    MMMM….. Mushroom bacon melt!! mmmm. :lovestruck: Wendys!!! :yes:

    11.2.2005 @ 3:53 pm
    Clara said,

    At least that ad is better than the T shirts that say….Who needs brains when you have these? I’m assuming referring to your boobs or the one that says Do you make more than I can spend? Let’s degrade ourselves a little more, eh girls? At least that one just made the men look stupid instead of us girls making ourselves look stupid. Hugs to you, clara

    11.2.2005 @ 6:01 pm
    Jeanette said,

    I mute television commercials, every chance I get. They’re all stupid in my opinion. :raspberry:

    11.2.2005 @ 6:52 pm
    Laura said,

    I can’t remember any of the bad ones. that’s why they’re bad. I’m with Jeanette, I also mute every chance I get!

    11.2.2005 @ 10:12 pm
    Mrs. Fun said,

    I tivo everything and then 30 skip the commercials.

    11.3.2005 @ 12:14 am
    Phoenix said,

    I don’t have cable or a remote or tivo… so I am stuck with the commercials… the one where the guy couldn’t navigate cooking eggs was cute but this one sounds idiotic!:wave:

    11.3.2005 @ 7:11 am
    Pascha said,

    Carl’s Jr. (took over Hardee’s in my area) has some of the grossest commercials. They show these giant burgers with all this nasty sauce dripping out of it! And then they will show people eating them and getting nasty stuff all over their faces. It does not make me want to eat anything! It makes me lose my appetite, actually.

    11.9.2005 @ 3:49 am

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