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  • How do you say it?


    I’m sure you’ve all made up a new word or two – either from mispronouncing, from having children, or just for the fun of it, right? We’ve managed to successfully implement a few fun words into our family vocabulary, and I’d like to share them with you.

    1. Dinareenah : this is a personal family favorite, because that runny stuff just isn’t pleasant. Why not make it just a little fun?
    2. Zookini : Better than a one piece, I’ll tell you that. You might need a cover up, though, so’s you don’t spoil.
    3. Hopsipsul : Where you go to have babies, and get your tonsils out.
    4. Beeputer or Pitter : The box you’re using to get on the internet.
    5. Hupme : When you wanna be picked up.
    6. Absofruitley : Yes.
    7. Froo Froops or Froopoops: Only the best cereal ever.
    8. Confoozed : Crazier than kung-fu. You wouldn’t understand.
    9. Prenzel : A little stick pretzel just for kids.
    10. Jabar : A big black cat, that doesn’t have any dots.
    11. Schwirrel : That fluffy little tree rat I so adore.
    12. Shreekit : A loud whisper that everyone can hear.
    13. Cowboys : Bad Boys are skeert of ’em.
    14. Skeert : Very, very afraid.
    15. Vacannoom : The powerful dirt picker upper.
    16. Sim-Sims : Better than the Simpson’s.
    17. Sweats : Those sugary little candies. MmmM.
    18. Keetchy : Where the figerater is.
    19. Figerater : It keeps food in the keetchy cold.
    20. Merrrrrr! : Gimme dat!
    21. Got a good one? Do share. I’ll add more as they pop up!

    Your turn – what crazy words have you replaced in your own vocabulary?


    taba said,

    lol :rofl: our computer is a pitter. and we all know that jabar is the correct way to say jaguar.
    ps- i drank coffee out of my climby squirrel mug today and it for some reason instead of waking me up i just wanted to come lay around in your yard all day……..weird.

    6.16.2007 @ 8:49 pm

    Our children always said, “Froopoops”.
    Have a great weekend!!

    6.16.2007 @ 10:06 pm
    phoenix said,

    Shreekit: A loud whisper that everyone can hear (That was mine as a kid but I discovered as an adult with a kid it is a real thing lol)

    cowboys=police officers: Came about after my son mistook the song from “Cops” and sang it “Cowboys, cowboys, whatcha gonna dooooooo!”

    Vacannoom: Vacuum cleaner (at 14 he still lets this one slip out heh)

    6.17.2007 @ 10:55 am
    Bex said,

    Those are great! We’ve picked up a couple of words from our daughter which (we think) are better than the real words too:

    Sim-Sims – Simpsons
    Sweats – Sweets
    Keetchy – Kitchin
    Merrrrrr! – It’s kind of a whiny thing to be said with arms outstretched like you’re asking to be given something.

    I can’t wait until she gets home from playgroup now, so I can interrogate her for more :mrgreen:

    6.18.2007 @ 4:54 am
    MommaK said,

    We say “Murkey” instead of turkey but that’s just because Lillian does. We know it starts with a T. :pilot:

    6.20.2007 @ 6:35 am
    Marisa said,

    Pukuter: computer (courtesy of my younger cousin, that is how he pronounced it as a child)

    commershuval: commercial, the ones you see on tv (my son cannot pronounce it still) 😛

    6.22.2007 @ 7:46 am

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