So here’s my first “official” not as ticked-off post for the day, venting about some insults thrown my way by another artist. Not the reason I activated my blog security at all, but. This guy obviously doesn’t understand American Women with PMS.
To promote your website, there are several places on the web where you can put a banner up, join a “list”. I’m sure you’ve seen them, top sites lists are everywhere. This one is specifically designed for pet portraitists, so I thought why not? Unfortunately, as is with many of those lists, the ones who browse the list are the ones displayed on it. Not a big deal really, any eyes on my gallery are fine with me. 😉
This list owner, however, e-mailed me the other day telling me he would remove me promptly from the list because I am not an artist, or at least my link doesn’t make it apparent. WTF? You click on or and you CAN’T tell I’m an artist? You see this banner:

And you think it’s some sort of front for a dirty website? What? I don’t get it. I was burning mad, insulted that he would say such a thing, and my response said as much. I asked him exactly what link he clicked on. Know how he replied to me? Something along the lines of “ohhhhh yes, well, I saw your resources page, and boy your designer did a poor job if an expert web surfer like me could not even tell yours was a gallery.” and he had the nerve to add “many of the artists on my list are overbooked from internet business because their websites are so great, you should try improving it” crap.
My second reply was not nice at all. Who is he to presume I’m not busy? And WTF? He can’t read? Is my website really complicated or something?! I told him my website is in discussions in forums on the web because my layout is so easy. I told him to search google for “custom dog portrait”, “custom cat portrait”, “custom pet portrait” – among the top searched keywords that bring guests to my website – I am in the top 10. You know what he said? “oh, but who searches THAT term?” Uh, the people I want to paint for buddy, that’s who.
I can’t believe he had the nerve to reply to me again though, telling me he really wasn’t insulting me – he didn’t apologize for being crass, treating me like a novice on the web and about my work. Swear to God, I’ve never even talked to this guy before. I was just on his freaking list. I told him to take me off – I didn’t want to be on the list or website of someone who would go around saying things like this to people. How rude!!!
(BTW I am doing something really uber cool, as not busy and stupid as I am, show you later!)
I think he was on crack. That’s the only explanation I can come up with. If you hear from him again tell him to lay off the rock and just say NO:no:
Oh, I’m sorry. What a jerk! That’s all I can say.
Maybe he’s just posing as an expert :pilot: but he’s really a :sorry: (that’s poor excuse) to be judgemental, eh? Or maybe he just can’t see that well! :cyclops:
Anyway, end of rant, forget him! We :lovestruck: you!!
Mean people suck.
I have to offer you a compliment though–the way you did the Petroville blog ROCKS!
find out where he lives i will go blow up his car…lol it must be a man thing you know probably jealous of your work verses his. besides i love your work.. you are the best…kathi:biggrin:
I’m just guessing here…. but my bet is that he wanted you to pay him to redesign your web site.
if an expert web surfer like me
I think this self promotion tells it all. Big ego, little mind.
I’m glad to hear you asked to be removed from his list. You don’t want your customers, now or future, to be exposed to such a small person.
Good Grief, he’s an idiot. Maybe he doesn’t understand “blogging”.
I think your site it very easy to navigate. Plus IMHO when an artist has a blog I am more interested than if they just had a “gallery” site.
Hmm.. well, maybe if your designer didn’t suck so bad :duh:
This will take me years to get over. :bawling:
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