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>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • Mo – WIP #1


    Here he is, isn’t he a STUD! I have a lotta work yet to do, but I am happy that I got his base coat done. This will dry while I work on Baby tomorrow.

    So guess what happened while I was painting today?

    1. We ran out of TP.
    2. The light switch in the bathroom went kaput. (ha! Tie that in with the other and it was pretty funny if you think about it, and especially since it didn’t happen to you! LOL)
    3. We ran out of Paper towels.
    4. Caitlin reminded me that picture day is tomorrow. Guess who wants a haircut?
    5. Guess who wants a new outfit?


    Ok I better get busy! Gimp..gimp..gimp…

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