After – I dunno, a lifetime of doodling on random things like kleenex, napkins, placeholders, envelopes or any piece of scrap paper I could get my hands on, I finally bought some Moleskine sketchbooks to carry around in my purse with me. Brilliant, right? It’s about time. It takes me a while to catch on, what can I say.
Yesterday while we were out, I decided to take out my moleskine, and the sock I wear on my hand (which made some people raise their eyebrows), and doodle. But what to doodle? I was lost for a minute. The kids went off to play, and I closed my eyes to see if I could “see” anything in there that I wanted to doodle – but nothing. I needed to doodle. CRAVED it. Especially since I will be drawing and painting all week next week. Getting back in the saddle, that’s what it was really all about.
So, what do you doodle when your mind is blank? You doodle what’s in front of you, that’s what.
This is the first page, how’d I doodle? Can you tell where we were, without looking at the “title”?
well you should have put the doodle at the bottom of the post if you didn’t want us to look at the title. 😉
I think that if you had not put a title on it, that I might have a tough time figuring it out…but knowing the title I’m like YEAH! That’s exactly what it looks like. (I’m a bit out of practice at seeing those…dd isn’t a huge fan.)
Renee’s last blog post..and so it continues *where’s the eyeroll smiley?*
I thought it looked like a cushiony stool with springy things in the middle so you could bounce on it. That was before I read the title – now I’m not sure what it is, but it still looks like a cool stool to me!
When my offspring were young, ‘bounce towns’ had not become into being yet so I doubt I would have gotten the right guess. But once I saw the title…viola! I could identify it. It looks pretty nice for a doodle.
OK, my not being a parent is showing itself. Is this one of those rubbery things that kids bounce around in? And what’s the sock about? My cold-ridden head can’t think enough to figure it out. :dunno:
June’s last blog post..National Geographic’s “Human Footprint”
:yahoo: for doodling! great job. and i think you need a :grouphug: today.
Thanks, Taba! I did need that :grouphug: yesterday. And today too, and let’s see – daily until next Friday. That would be great. Oh and brownies. Did you send me those peanut butter bars? Those would help, too.
You are so fun! I get those urges too but all I can doodle are about three things. The same ones over and over so instead I have to get out the camera. 🙂
You are brillant! :raspberries:
Lisa’s Chaos’s last blog post..5 photos, 5 words
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