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>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • My Buddy Gib


    This is my new buddy, a Gibbon. I met him at the zoo of course, you can sorta see my reflection in the plexiglass. He followed me around the ledge, and put his face up by my fingers when I touched the glass. I sat by him for a few minutes, right up next to him. He’s beautiful, and for the short time I was with him I wanted really badly to be a zookeeper, or Jane Goodall.


    annie said,

    Is that where you get all the animal pics? You must go to the zoo a lot. I used to, also, when I was little.
    There aren’t any zoos around here.

    10.3.2005 @ 11:01 am
    Leanne said,

    Yes we do get to the zoo a few times a year, I take about 200 pics each time we go. I think my family is sick of me doing that, too. One of these days I’ll have to leave my camera at home. :confused:

    10.3.2005 @ 11:48 am
    MommaK said,

    Beautiful pics!! How do you take them so well through the glass?

    10.3.2005 @ 1:08 pm
    Tommi said,

    Such a sweet little fella!
    :jawdrop: Don’t you ever leave your camera @home. These are all of our little key holes to some of the great things in life. Thank you for that!

    10.3.2005 @ 2:03 pm
    Leanne said,

    MommaK, I do not know. Honestly. My first answer was “I’m magical”, but I used that in my meme. So how about “my camera was really expensive”? It just does it, or I will it to happen, or something. I hope I’m not cursing myself, you’ll forever be viewing yicky blurry scratched foggy glass wildlife photos. Iew. :cyclops:

    10.4.2005 @ 8:03 am
    Jeanette said,

    I think the chances of you leaving your camera at home are about the same as me leaving my camera at home. Ha ha ha haaaa! I was even taking pictures at MY wedding.

    10.4.2005 @ 11:42 am

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