I took this photo of our sweet little Wheaten Terrier pup, Tucker, a week or two ago. As soon as I opened the image on my computer I wanted to paint it – but on the other hand, it makes a great photograph, too. I always have a tendency to turn a great photo into a great oil painting, so I expect you’ll be seeing our sweet little boy on canvas at some point over the next couple of months. (I do have a spring exhibition to prepare for!)
Our Tuckerhead is doing well. He’s 5 months old now, needs a fur cut and sometimes a muzzle (we haven’t actually bought one, he could just use it sometimes!) – but otherwise he’s a good boy. I try to spend as much time with him as I can, especially now that the girls are in school and he seems to behave well when he’s just hanging out with me here in the office or out in the studio.
He gets a lot of attention out on walks, too – not many people are familiar with Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers, and everyone just loves him to pieces. (Including me, when he’s not yipping and yapping, that is!)
I just had to share this pretty portrait of my boy while it was fresh in my mind – I must get back to work now and finish up an illustration I’ve been working on!
Have a good one!
What a great picture! :cheerful:
i love the way the light caught just under his chin. i bet you’re having a ton of fun with him!
Soooo cute. Can’t say I have ever seen a cuter dog :lovestruck: That really would make a good painting. The way the light hits him is so pretty.
I think that is one of the best photos I have ever seen. I thought it was a painting at first.
gorgeous photo!! he’s so handsome as always!!
Just beautiful! 😀
It looks as if he actually posed for this shot. How well you caught him behaving for you! Can’t wait to see it in oil! Get back to work! :meow:
I know it’s a PERFECT photo but I think you can actually top this with your brush! Awwwww Tucker :lovestruck:
Just… WOW! The lighting is spectacular. I’d frame this one.
Big steak bones to both of you! (yours with meat, his.. afterward.) 😉
Oh, Leanne. This one took my breath away. Amaaaaaaazing!!
I love the sunlight on him, creating the wonderful light.
…and the soft look 🙂
Great picture! He’s cutie pie. I love the way he looks like he’s contemplating something serious. 😉
He’s just so beautiful.
I love, love, love this portrait. The use of color and light is so beautiful.
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