I had to share this – Hubby captured a Praying Mantis for Catybug’s collection, so I had a photo session with him this morning. What an incredible little creature!
I have to tell you a secret, though. I wore my gardening gloves when I was handling him – and when he started heading toward my bare arm, I squealed and got the heebie jeebies. You would have too, man. Those things eat meat. :shudders:
It’s been several days since I’ve updated – I’m still working on the new site and it’s coming along so nicely. I do have a portrait I’ve started too and I’m trying to hold off on posting until I’ve got everything complete and switched over. I hope to launch by Wednesday (or sooner), so keep your eyes peeled this week for a major change!!
I’m behind on my blog visiting, too! Hope you’re doing well, do leave a note and let me know what you’re up to!
WOW! That’s an awesome pic!! :jawdrop:
I *heart* mantises. My mom was a 4th grade teacher, and she did a whole section on bugs. she’d bring them home for us to watch, plus, we’d always find them outside. Yeah, they eat meat, but not person meat. 🙂 they’re the neatest things!
You gave me the creeps with that photo, Leanne, but it was too cool to ignore. The background texture is strong, yet subtle; the perfect showcase for that creature. :thumbsup:
cool picture…thanks for sharing how you got the shot.
There was a praying mantis on my porch steps when I got home froom work. I stepped carefully aroun him. I love the face you captured!
He’s awesome and scary all at once! Looks like he enjoyed getting his photo taken. 🙂
Awesome! Wish my mantis shots had turned out so well. Don’t worry about them taking a nibble on you. You’re too big for their mandibles. They like teeny tiny prey.
That really looks like some of your human portraits photos. *giggles*
Wonderful shot of such an interesting creep. I don’t think we have them over here.
Very curious of your new design! Oh, hey I just recommended you highly as blog designer to some blogger, don’t remember who it was right now though… I hope you don’t mind.
I didn’t know they were carnivorous…great shot!
I think he resembles Alan Combs from that show Hannity & Combs, don’t you? I just can’t get that visual out of my head now.
omg… that is a cute one! awesome pic, Leanne!
:thumbsup: :jawdrop: :dance: :clapping: :yahoo: :friends: :dance:
I only got to surf for a couple of minutes…
Love the new design and lay out.
Wow…what an AWESOME photo of a creepy critter. I love your photography, Leanne. I wonder what was going on inside it’s little head while you took photos of him. He’s very photogenic. LOL.
Clara I agree! Too funny! :giggle:
I think this little guy is my all time favorite. Is it yours, too?
A magnificent creature and a superb photo. Well done!
Awesome. They are so cool. This summer I had a baby one land on my head and then fall to the ground. So I went to get my camera but it was gone before I got back.
Not only is this a meat eater, but you’d be surprised at what they can catch and eat. I have seen video (granted through the cracks between my fingers as I covered my face, crying the entire time) of praying mantis catching our precious hummingbirds and that is NO GOOD. I’ve also read many accounts of people who have witnessed it first hand and occasionally were able to intervene on behalf of the little birdie. Be certain your hummer feeder is not hanging where the hummers would be within reach of one of those buggers if they were hanging out on the feeder pole.
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