There’s my little Nutty again, he was posing for me yesterday and I couldn’t resist. Just a sweet little thing, isn’t he?
More random eye candies for you:

An egret that we saw on the way back from the museum last week. I was totally enamored by his reflection in the pond and have several photos of him that are ‘ok’ to me, I just enjoy looking at the composition. It was neat to watch him fishing, too!

This, I loved. Of course, my hummies. She thought she’d be sneaky, and eat on the side that I couldn’t see her on. haha! Chickeymonkey saw this photo and said “How’d she get in there, mommy?”

Our floppy dog, Tucker. (He’s a 16 wk. Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, for those just meeting him) Yes, he’s sleeping on the vent again. He lays like this all the time. It’s fun to watch him go from standing to this position!
We did go to the Museum yesterday and saw some really beautiful bird photography. I took a few pics of the sections where mine are hanging, I’ll get those pics ready and show you later.
I hope you’re having a good weekend!
Ooooooo the egret is a beaut! Nice work, as usual :yes:
He is so cute and he sure figured out where to lay quickly, didn’t he?
You definitely has an eye for it.
Some great pics, all in a different way. Love the dogs style – the same as my dog had – but my fav is the bird feeder. Just the kind of unusual pic’s I love!
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