About those roses I showed you yesterday, we’re going with #6. This is the underpainting, and I’ll further enhance the rose (the background will stay as is, and it’s pretty close to accurate) on the next layer. It’s a little bitty thing, 4×6 on a canvas sheet, that’s why there’s a bit of a border around it. Pictured with a quarter so you can get perspective on the size of the bud.
very nice. i went and checked out the other shots as well, i do prefer the look of a rose with a closed bud, but my favorite colour is white and it would have looked great with that background as well.
This was my next favorite!! I just love how tiny it is!! Your client will love it!!
xxoo- Tommi
Well now, that was my favorite, too! LOL. I think your client will be very happy with this one. Love the way Katie the lab turned out, and Carol and Jerry’s painting as well. THey look like a happy couple, very realistically done!
Very pretty!! As you know I am partial to roses! I’d love to see a series of a rose in the stages from bud to full bloom, that would be awesome!! Just an idea for you kick around! (just here to help fill your day with more things to occupy your time, like you don’t have enough!! :rofl: )
BTW: I’m going to send you an email in a few days….be looking for it!! :winking:
Beautiful choice! I have a “thing” for red roses since our formal religious wedding was a rose ceremony. Since we were already legally married (by the mayor) and had exchanged rings months before, we exchanged red roses. :meow:
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