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  • Riddle Me This.


    A man (who finally has enough cash stashed to pay $150/hr attorney fees) walks into a laywer’s office and says “I’d like to end child support payments for a child who turned 18 and moved out of his mother’s house over 6 months ago, my employer (DFAS) will not terminate without a court order.” The laywer says “those excess payments have been being returned to you or the courts this entire time, right?” The man says “are you kidding?”, and the lawyer says “I must be, because that rarely happens!”.

    The man says “I really do not want to fight over what has been overpaid.” The laywer says, “You overpaid for months. You are legally due the excess monies.” The man signs away his right to be submissive in the courts.

    The laywer, efficient as he is, processes all required paperwork quite promptly.

    Three days later, the man receives an e-mail from the mother of the over-eighteen-year-old that reads “You could act like a grown up and just emailed about child support, which you never stopped sending! I didn’t ask you to keep it going that was your doing.”

    Not surprised in the least by this type of response, the man scratches his head, and then laughs.


    Jacque said,

    How did you get my name up there?! You are so cool! 😎 You know some people just don’t get it. :brickwall:

    2.8.2006 @ 10:05 am
    Jacque said,

    I’m so proud I’m the first to comment! I wonder if that will ever happen again?

    2.8.2006 @ 10:06 am
    Darlene said,

    I don’t get it. :duh:

    2.8.2006 @ 10:49 am
    Leanne said,

    It’s kindof like paying a bill. If you overpay, the money isn’t held in a credit account for future use, they clear your account to zero and return the overpayment. Apparently, legally, if you’re not obligated to pay past the 18th birthday (and I’m just guessing that the mother knows when the child turned 18), any continued payments should be marked “return to sender” unless there are other arrangements on the divorce decree. That he wasn’t surprised at this response says that
    (1) She’s always been a sassyfrass,
    (2) She thought he should have called/e-mailed and asked her nicely not to cash checks that weren’t hers anymore,
    (3) that DFAS (or anyone else) would stop the withholding they started by court order just because “you say so”,
    (4) She spent the money on things other than taking care of the child, considering the child moved out (to our knowledge) when he graduated last summer, and now she’s throwing a tantrum,
    (5) She really truly believes that because she didn’t ask for the checks to keep coming that they were gifts, or something.

    I think that covers it. 😛

    2.8.2006 @ 11:45 am
    Mom said,

    ….. and some people get “X’s” like mine…. what’s that expression… “The buck stops here!” @18.
    She’s so lucky, she’s stupid.

    2.8.2006 @ 12:02 pm
    Shelli said,

    Seriously, some people are so selfish and self centered that they just don’t get how the real world works. :brickwall:

    2.8.2006 @ 12:21 pm
    Patti said,

    After working for a family law attorney quite a few years … sadly, it’s not unusual. Expecting DFAS (DYFS where I came from) to do their job in a timely manner is a joke, a bad one. Cashing the checks and using it for purposes other than the “child” is a big no-no. Most courts would make her pay it back.

    2.8.2006 @ 12:53 pm

    maybe the mom should be charged for cashing those cheques she’s not entitled too, it’s kind of like fraud, isn’t it?

    2.8.2006 @ 1:32 pm

    Why am I not surprised?!

    2.8.2006 @ 5:07 pm
    Laura said,

    I’m just shaking my head, Leanne. some people in this world……

    2.8.2006 @ 5:58 pm
    Plain Jane said,

    Laura said it about as well as I might have. The nerve of some people’s children…. :duh:

    2.9.2006 @ 7:15 pm
    Eddie said,

    That poor woman. The inability to not cash a check! It must be a disease, my ex wife suffers from the same syndrome.

    2.13.2006 @ 7:48 pm

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