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  • Six! Six Hundred Dollah!


    Whoooowie! It’s over. When we closed up the garage sale yesterday we’d been picked clean, added $300 to the big pile of money which I can’t stop staring at, and also met some pretty cool people.

    I have THREE fifty dollah bills! T h r e e! Weeeee! Yes I know, silly thing to get excited over eh? Not really though when you consider the last time we ever carried that large of a denomination was, uh. Hm. Let me think about that and get back to you. It’s been that long.

    A few notable things have happened over the last couple of days that Jeanette missed me (thank you Jeanette! I missed you too!), I shall make it brief. Because there’s a new flavored coffee that I must go buy right away. It’s early and my eyes are a lot yawny.


    I made SIX HUNDRED DOLLAH! I mentioned that. But it is worth mentioning again isn’t it?


    My sister B, who is an EMT, (hey that rhymes! B THE EMT! I’m going to make her a shirt.) has been trying to get ahold of agencies who are handling the Disaster Relief because she is gung-ho on volunteering her services for some strange reason. Humanitarians are such a wierd bunch aren’t they? Anyhow, she’s going to be headed down to volunteer her services to the unfortunate folks who have been completely tattered by the shitty weather they’ve been having. I told her, watch out for sharks – because they’re swimming in the STREETS now. That can’t be good. I’ve also heard there’s some sort of epidemic that they’re trying to identify (as of Saturday, I’m a little behind on the news), and so I hope she can be most helpful with her short little freckled face self and brain full of medical knowledge. You go, sis, I’m proud of you (sniffle).

    (Now maybe my family will quit yapping, evvverybody wants to be a superstar. As if I’m famous or something. Get your own damn blog. HAH! Neener neener.)

    Smartass remarks aside, I am very proud of B for volunteering her time and skill. It’s a good thing.


    The Salvation Army will be getting the rest of the clothes. I have a call into the Red Cross about getting them directly down to Houston to the people without a change of clothes, I’m waiting to hear back. I wasn’t sure if the Salvation Army was participating in the efforts, and found out that they are so I’ll call them to see if donations can be targeted specifically to the folks down there. Otherwise I’m packing and shipping to someone in/near Houston to take them over there. Anyone want to volunteer carrying boxes & driving time? I have a BUNCH of children’s, mens & women’s clothing left.


    I had to pause to go for coffee. Oh yum. Milky Way Latte, anyone? No? Well then one more for me! (Thanks, neighbor!)


    Our hummingbirds are doing well. I know you’ve been worried about them, me and my addiction and all. There’s just no telling how many I’ve caught and am holding hostage right here in my little home. Muaaahahahaaa! I’ll never tell!


    My neighbor has been crowned the sexiest woman on the block by many the garage-sailing men. The boys flocked to her door after taking armloads of free stuffies. She’s too sexy for her pants, I told her. How lucky am I to have such a man-magnet for a neighbor? I hope she gets an inground pool next year. And a pool boy.


    I have been crowned the best garage-sailing saleswoman on the block by many people who really didn’t want anything when they showed up, but bought things that I told them they needed. I shall wear my crown with much pride and flash a wad of bills at passers by. I rock. If you’d like to hire me for your garage sale, please call 555-1212 and reserve your spot today!

    Oh there was more, I’m just waiting for the Latte to kick in. If I remember, I’ll tell you later. Hah! If I remember! Hahaha!!!

    P.S. You suck. I’m so moving my links back to the wordpress link manager as soon as you figure out how to turn your server back on. BAH! I want a refund!


    annie said,

    That Latte must have got you ALL chatty. That was FUNNY!
    Tell your sis “Thank You” for me. I’m just not a “protect and serve” type person either, but I greatly admire them.

    OK, I’m a blog-tard; what is the whole “Blog-rolling” deal anyway?
    I just create my own “list” for my links, you know, I type HTML by *gasp* HAND. And I am always hearing people complain about Blog-roll, too.

    9.4.2005 @ 11:39 am
    Jeanette said,

    Blog rolling lost all my links not that long ago. I was so sad. *sniffle* Now I back them up.

    I took time to refill my bird feeders this morning. I moved a month ago. This morning I saw one little bird take a couple seeds then he flew off like there was a beak up his tail. A minute later he came back with EIGHT other birdies,chirping and squeaking. It was so cute and my kitties are transfixed, haven’t moved a paw for 15 minutes.

    I’m proud of your sister, too. I donated money. I wish I could give more.

    9.4.2005 @ 11:44 am
    Tommi said,

    Thanks for giving “B” her 15 seconds of internet fame! Maybe we’ll get to see 15 seconds of her fame on TV!!!!
    I’m proud of her! And I’ll miss her. She’s gonna go for all of us since we can’t go. God bless her!
    And $600.00 is a ton of moneys! Good for you!!!
    Love, Tommi

    9.4.2005 @ 12:43 pm
    Leanne said,

    Annie, that latte kicked my butt, I tell ya. I’m still trying to flush the side-effects of a caffine overdose from my system! Good grief! is the blogroll service I was using. I used it because it had a better “on-time” display of when blogs were updated (the little asterisks), but frankly I’d rather not have the slow/unstable load time. I just dumped the code and reinstated my wordpress link code so everything should be hunky dory now!

    I think you should move to wordpress. You would have MUCH more fun. Seriously. You can get a free blog with wordpress on it too, I can get you the link if you want it?

    Jeanette could you please fill my feeders? I refilled my hummingbird nectar this morning but my goldfinches, nuthatches, starlings and woodpeckers are going largely ignored now because those captivating little nectar sucking sweethearts have stolen my attention. 😛

    9.4.2005 @ 1:25 pm
    Kathi said,

    I will get a pool if one of them men flocking at my door is really rich… but so far no GO… but i will keep searching. mabey if i was a 36-24-36 it would happen. i will keep dreaming. the morning swimming has to help:::razz: so i will continue.

    9.4.2005 @ 2:37 pm

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