Chickeymonkey is finally approaching Tucker. She does not like his jumping, and we’re teaching both the child to tell the puppy not to jump, and the puppy to not jump. It’s like two-fer training days at our place. Much fun and paper towels to be had by all!
Catybug loves Tucker very much, and is turning red when he licks her. Fur is not a problem, he is a massive fluffball and hasn’t lost one hair yet. Love this single-coat thing, it’s great! The licking, the red itchies that follow – we need to handle. Any tips?
Tucker loves the vents. He loves flopping down on top of the vents while the A/C is on and he falls asleep there.
He slept through the night, with minor whimpering, and my fingers weren’t even in the kennel all night! Yay!
He did his business outside so far today! Good boy! (pant pant)
He is not a beggar or a yapper! He does not care about the ruckus from the dogs next door. He gave them one yip and that’s all he had to say about that. He slept on the vent during dinner lastnight, in the dining room but away from the table.
Oooooh he is the sweetest little thing!
gah!!!!!!!! he’s still just so stinkin cute!! i just want to grab him up and run away with him!! :lovestruck:
Generally when people are allergic to a dog, it’s actually to their saliva, not necessarily their fur.This is what I found when I Googled. 🙁
Dog Allergy: Patients allergic to dogs are allergic to the dog’s saliva. As with cats, dogs groom themselves by licking their fur and skin, depositing dog saliva antigens that also become airborne when dry, and spread to clothes, furniture, carpeting, etc. Allergy to dogs is not as problematic as allergy to cats, primarily because:
Dogs are usually kept outside.
Dogs are kept outside of bedrooms.
Dogs are washed regularly.
Once dog allergy is confirmed, the best way to decrease allergy symptoms is to remove the dog from the home. As with cat allergy, you can also use medications and allergy immunization.
Give him a little hug for me. He looks so huggable.
Awwww, Leanne, your new baby is just adorable. My heart just melted when I saw the pictures you have posted of him. I bet you your Chloe is right there showing him the ropes. I hope he is taking some of the sting out of losing your other baby, they don’t replace them by any means, but once you have dogs in your life for so long, it is virtually impossible not to have one around. They just fill a space that nothing else can fill. I am so happy for you that your family has found a new one to love. Tucker is a great name, we named our baby colt Tucker and I once had a dog named Tucker. BTW, I love your new pig project. It made me remember how cool the fish was.
He is a cutie! If I wsa home more we would have a dog.
OMG, this dog is the cutest! Congrats
It sounds like Tucker is blending in very nicely with your family. He’s so adorable, I just love him to bits! I love the pic your hubby took of you painting the pig too, I can’t wait to see more of that project. Stacie :zombie:
Tucker wants to live with Auntie E!!!!
Awww! 🙂
Oh, that baby is soooo gorgeous… Do you stop what you\’re doing to look at him because you just can\’t get enough? Or am I projecting? :giggle:
He’s precious! I can’t wait to see more pictures!!
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