A few months ago, at Mark’s request, I created a stencil of Wile E. Coyote for the guys to use on their equipment etc. as that is their call sign. Apparently, the stencil is reallly popular over there, Mark says they’ve painted it on refrigerators, machinery, all kinds of things. It sounds like it’s become a “this is ours, hands off” symbol. LOL

So he’s been saying for months that he’d get me some photos of it, and here ya go. I’m just going to link them here:
Wile E. Coyote Humvee1
Wile E. Coyote Humvee2
Wile E. Coyote Bradley
Pretty neat to see it all over their stuff! Even though the character isn’t my creation, I searched everywhere for a stencil to purchase and couldn’t find one. Sorry Warner Brothers, the guys want a coyote, they get a coyote! (P.S. I’ve not made any profit from the creation or personal use of this piece.) LOL.. just covering my artistic butt there. ;P
It’s a clear day, I took another digital pic of W and modified the last WIP entry. I’ll paint today, the girls should be ok. (I hope!) I’ll update when I turn the cam on!
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