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  • She’s Twelve.


    catybug birthday card graphic design

    Happy Birthday, sweet Catybug. All I can really say is how proud we are of you. Thank you for reminding me every day of how precious life is, just by being you.

    Wow, has she grown!

    2007  2006  2005  2004

    Chickeymonkey’s Six



    Five, Four, Three
    And the conversation this year went a little like this:

    Me: So, how do you feel? Do you feel older?
    Chickeymonkey: Yes! ::rolls eyes at me::
    Me: How do you feel older? What changed?
    Chickeymonkey: Doh Mom, 6 is BIGGER than 5!

    And there you have it. A great snarky start to the beginning of our sixth year with Mini-me.


    She’s Eleven!


    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday TO you,
    Happy BIRTHday dear Catyyybuuuuuggggg,


    Here’s to another year of learning, loving your friends, family and God, growing in knowledge and faith, and being an all-around amazing young woman. We couldn’t be more proud to have such a gentle, wonderful and intelligent girl in our lives.

    Much Love,

    Everybody who knows you.

    Wow, has she grown!

      2005  2004

    I’m 36!


    birthday cake blog party invite photo

    Welcome to my Birthday! Today is the day. Help yourself to a nice piece of cake! Yes, that is my cake. Except that I put the words on there. The rest is totally edible. And the frosting? Buttercream, of course!

    I woke up at 6:00, and nothing happened. So far, turning 36 hasn’t proven any different from yesterday. Here are some non-eventful events that have (or have not) unexpectedly occurred today.

    • None of my Birthday Wishes have come true (yet). Bummer.
    • I do not have the urge to hide my age or pretend I’m any younger. (I thought I would. Can any of you old people tell me at what age this occurs?)
    • I didn’t spontaneously lose the rest of my hair color and turn gray. (it could happen.) (yes, I was worried about that, too.)
    • I had an uncontrollable, unexplainable urge to wear red today. And so I did.
    • I got a new zit. It’s all shiny, and red. Hey, do you think that’s why I had that urge?
    • My husband put gas in the car. What a man.
    • He also woke me up with kisses and happy birthdays. Again. What a man.
    • He ALSO wrote an e-mail to John Mayer’s management team to request John make an appearance on my blog today or something. Well. Like that’ll happen. (I’m still gonna cross my fingers in hopes that he’ll think I’m cuter and more lovable than Jessica Simpson, and that he won’t be able to resist the urge to check his new amps with a nice jazzy rendition of happy birthday and upload it to YouTube just for me.)
    • One of my girlfriends sent me a GC to Amazon for a backyard birding book I’ve been eyeing! She rocks!
    • My other bestest buddy send me a GC to John Mayer’s gift shop. Does that girl know me or what?! She also rocks, of course!
    • My Catybug was so sad about having to go to school and missing spending my birthday with me that she got sick! Isn’t she so sweet! (Damn flu.)
    • I did not fall down on the sheet-of-ice parking lot taking the Chickeymonkey to school!
    • My hubby is going to make me my Birthday Lasagne for dinner!
    • My nonfat vanilla latte tastes the same as it did yesterday! Yes I was expecting it to be better. I thought I’d appreciate it more. Sadly, that’s not the case.
    • No wrinkles have appeared today to mark my age. Somehow, I keep thinking I’m a tree, and that I’ll get a new “ring” every year. Phew, I’m glad I’m not a tree.
    • I didn’t break a hip. Thank God. I was worried. Fortunately, I have nothing to report on the Brittle Boned Old Lady thing.

    You are welcome to come over for dinner, cake and ice cream! I’ll even make ya a Purple Pig (which is the happiest most fun purple kool aid drink EVER)! I know, I’ve been a big tease the last few days, but aren’t you glad you stuck with me? NOW you can have cake!

    ::handing everyone a fork::

    Almost My Birthday


    In a few days, I’m going to turn 36. My countdown always begins on New Years Day, since I’m a January baby and terrible at math, it makes my life easier. (Thanks, mom!)

    Keep reading »

    Chickeymonkey’s Five


    Even the gibbons know she’s a monkey. She’s my little Chickeymonkey, and she’s five today. Happy Birthday to my little big girl!

        Me: “So, you’re gonna be five, huh?”


        Chick: “Yup!”


        Me: “Does that mean you’re going to turn into a gorilla, or an ape? Now that you’re getting bigger?”


        Chick: (Making a sad face) No. I don’t wanna be a gorilla or a ape. I wanna stay a Chickeymonkey.


        Me: “Yeah, you like being my little Chickeymonkey, don’t you?”


      Chick: “Yeeaaahhhh” (grins)


        Me: “You can have french toast sticks,”


        Me: “Or you can have some cereal,”


        Me: “And you can have some milk.”


        Me: “You can have some grapes in your lunch, if you want,”


        Me: “But you can only be four for ONE MORE DAY.”


        Me: “Then you have to be five.”


      Chick: “Awww Maaaaan!”


        Me: “So, how old ya gonna be again?”


        Chick: “Five.” (holds up this many)


        Me: “Wow. That’s a LOT of fingers.”


        Chick: (giggles)


        Me: “So then what are you gonna do?”


        Chick: “Then I’m gonna be SIX. And then I’m gonna be SEVEN, eight nine TEN and then I’ll be the same as Catybug!”


        Me: “Yes, well, by then, Catybug will be 15. I don’t think you’ll ever catch up.”


      Chick: “Awww Maaaannnn” (rolls eyes)


    A day in the life. What I wouldn’t give to have my biggest complaint be that mom is yanking my hair out when she is trying to brush the knots out. To be five again. To have such a wonderful, helpful big sister to play Littlest Pet Shop with, who only tortures you on occasion. To be a snugglebug, cuddly little kissyface brown eyed munchkin whose smile lights up the room, whose giggle is contagious, whose dry snarky sense of humor is too much like her mother’s. Who eats every ten minutes and chooses peanut butter on a spoon more often than not because “that’s protein, mom!”

    And to think, five years ago today I was in tears, not knowing whether or not she was going to make it. Wondering how I could possibly help her fight for her little life, lungs under-developed, broken collarbone, tubes winding in and out of her little body in her little incubator oxygen tank. Crying that I couldn’t nurse her, couldn’t hold her. All I could do was feel her little fingers wrap around me for short periods of time a few times a day. Bringing her home finally, after a week in the NICU, and I swear I never put her down.

    Now I can’t even pick her up.

    Happy Birthday, Chickeymonkey!

    Love, Mom

    Chickeymonkey #4!



    Happy Birthday toooo youuuuu
    You belong in aaaaa zooooooooooooooo
    You LOOK like a chikeymonkeyyyyyyyyyyyyyy (see her shirt?)
    and you smell like one too!

    My baby chick is 4 years old today! She is very happy about her Birthday Cupcake Breakfast. Nummmyyyyyy!

    Happy Birthday my lil’ Chickeymonkey Minime!


    My Birthday Girl!


    My baby turned 9 today! Yes, nine. NINE. Jeez, she’s almost in the double digits. She chose a very fun thing to do for her birthday weekend so we’ve been celebrating since yesterday morning and won’t be through until tomorrow! I’ll tell you all about it, for now I just wanted to share her sparkly candle moment. Make a wish!

    (I am hoping this pic turned out okay, I can’t really tell on hubby’s laptop!)

    Elvis – Singin’ in the Rayne!


    Haha! Corny joke I know. Today is my neice Rayne’s 4th Birthday. So pat mom on the back cause her baby is growing up fast, and let’s all sing the along with Elvis and wish Rayne a very Happy tater-tot b-day!!!

    “Happy BIRTHday TOOOO youuuuu…
    HapPY BIRTHday TOOOOOOOO youuuuuuuuuuu….

    Share the cake with brudder, ya little goober! 😉

    Squishes from Auntie Leanne & Clan!

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