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  • Better Day Ahead!


    My own personal thought police (see Thursday Thirteen #26) allowed me to vent yesterday, because otherwise I would have been found on the floor of my living room, kitchen, dining room or studio (I pace. a lot.), dead from an axiety attack or something.

    Those of you who stopped by and offered your words of support, I thank you. I know that you only joined me in my anger and that it was a temporary passion that caused the words to fly, and it is what it is. Those of you made uncomfortable by the situation, I understand.

    As a business owner and visual artist I had every right to take the action necessary to protect my copyrighted materials. And that’s where it ends. My content has been removed from the domain; I’ve been in contact with the artist and things have been resolved.

    Usually when my thought police kick in it’s because of situations like this, so let’s not allow this to get all distorted and hateful. It happened, it’s over, we’re moving forward now.


    Ivoryfrog said,

    Totally missed what went on yesterday until I read it this morning. How awful!

    Glad its all sorted out now though!
    Take Care
    Ivoryfrog x


    4.7.2006 @ 8:32 am
    TOMMI said,

    I have so much respect for you for going about this how you are.
    I hope that people were able to use this as a “respect” experience as well.
    I hope you have a WONDERFUL day!!! :hug:

    4.7.2006 @ 8:33 am
    Mrs. Fun said,

    I am so glad you took action :yes: and glad its resolved.

    4.7.2006 @ 10:34 am
    Sue said,

    Wow Leanne, I’m sorry all that happened to you and I can so understand why you would be angry, who wouldn’t. You put so much into all of the things you do. I’m glad to hear you got it all resolved though. I think people just don’t think sometimes without really meaning harm, but it really stings to have something taken that you created and have someone else take the credit for it. People, really need to be aware of copywright stuff and should really take the time to educate themselves before they do things like this. I admire your attitude toward it all at this point. You are such a cool, level headed person. As you say, better day or days ahead. ………….Sue

    4.7.2006 @ 10:46 am

    Must not be smarter than the link button. It won’t copy to my site for some reason. Hmmph :brickwall:

    4.7.2006 @ 11:02 am
    Lo** said,

    What a Bass-Turd-ette! ((Glad it’s all aken care of now though)) Yes…what you said better days ahead.

    4.7.2006 @ 7:36 pm

    i’m glad you were able to resolve this and i completely missed your tt, i guess i was just shocked when i read your other post i didn’t even think to look for a tt. i’m still somewhat at a loss about what happened, i guess i want to believe it was an error in judgment and have faith that someone would’nt have intentionally done this.

    4.7.2006 @ 9:11 pm
    Jo said,

    Glad everything is working out okay for you. I can’t imagine the kick to the gut feeling you went through.

    4.8.2006 @ 5:56 am

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