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>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • Kitty Painting work in progress!


    6:00 AM CST, 3:00 PM Baghdad time today, Mark called from his destination in/near Baghdad. It’s been a week since I’ve talked to him and was GREAT to hear his voice. He sounds so good! He said to tell everyone “don’t believe what you see on the news, it is nothing like they make it sound”. Thank God.

    I will probably add to this entry later on today, I am going to paint!

    Do you like the changes I made here lastnight? Just trying to spiff the place up a bit!

    Weight loss progress: down 17.5 lbs. in 54 days.

    3:14 PM CST UPDATE
    I’ve been painting today, and BOY does it feel good to paint. Between hearing from Mark this morning, getting our first letters from him today, finding a place that might be able to capture a good image to make prints of Alex (the macaw), and diving into oils – It has been a most excellent day! And to top it off, it’s around 67 degrees! 😀

    As usual, I will share my work in progress photos of what I’m painting. I love how this cat is coming along, and have spent quite a few hours on it already. View the work in progress: Catnipnap I haven’t decided on the title yet to this piece! That one I just made up to amuse Caitlin. She giggled. 😉

    Back later with more!
    Hope you’re having a great day, too!

    Hugs :)


    Ssssh, Jay is sleeping. Don’t you love how she set up her bear-bears beside her on her hugs pillow (I won that from a vending machine at Denny’s!), and then wrapped herself up in her bear-bear blankie for her nappie? And see her pink nikkernaiws? She twirls her haircut as she falls asleep. Well, she twirls it all the time, but I think it’s precious that she does it as she falls asleep, and even while she’s sleeping if you watch close. (p.s. nikkernaiws = fingernails, and haircut = ponytail)

    Caitlin’s nappie and bedtime habit includes pulling the tickles off of her fleece fuzzy blankie that she stole from me as a toddler. She either makes a wish and blows them into the air, or tickles her nose with them as she falls asleep. I remember one time she had a sinus infection, she was blowing blue tickles out of her nose. LOL (p.s. tickles = the fuzzy stuff on fleece blankies)

    I hope you are all having a good day! I’ve prepared my next painting and will start it in a little while. One of my wonderful clients/friends has sent me at least a dozen beautiful photos of her kitties (she has 25 –last I knew!!), one of them is curled up napping on a cookbook. It is precious, and that’s what I’m working on next. 🙂



    I just found another frog article that I hadn’t seen, have a look here!


    Packing and shipping today, getting ready to head to the post office! It’s gorgeous even though it’s chilly out, the sun is so bright, the sky is a beautiful blue, my trees are budding, and the cardinals and ROBIN’S are singing!!! YAY for SPRING!

    Website Work


    I worked on the site a bit lastnight, and am getting ready to dive in again today. Each gallery thumb is clickable to a larger image that requires its own graphic, and I need to create all of those graphics. I did change the link colors, darkened them a bit, hopefully you still know they’re links, yea?

    In other news, I am still plugging away on the diet, lost another pound for a total now of 16 since Jan. 29th or so, and took a couple of weeks off there for my visit with Mark and recoup time.

    There was a deer in my backyard yesterday! My yard is fenced in, suburbia you know, and I live along one of the main roads in my area. We do have some wooded areas and we have seen deer around, but I would never have expected one to jump my fence and hang out in my yard. LOL It was so exciting! I grabbed my camera and ran outside, but she was gone. A few moments later, she and her friend went galavanting down the easement behind our house and I was able to get a (blurred) picture of them.

    Better get to work! Have a blessed Sunday!

    Good Morning!


    What a day yesterday! I walked over 2 miles on the treadmill, and spent over 4 hours out in the front yard doing spring cleaning with the girls. Can you say “exhausted”? 😉

    I would love to have the garden of Lolo, but I have to face it. I live in the midwest. Sigh. I am going to fill the front flower plantery thing we made last year with beauties though, a nice bright selection of flowers that will fill it up and make me smile all summer. Any recommendations? All will be considered, written down, and searched for at the nursery!

    I am not sure if my daisies, stargazers, primrose or clematis are going to return. They still appear to be there, but I have no green thumb. In fact my thumb has blisters at the moment!

    And I have to plug Erika’s latest portrait, she is gorgeous Erika! Well done! I know your client loved her, am I right?

    Caitlin is spending the weekend with Grandma & Grandpa and Cousin Stacie, and since this marks the 16th day in a row of “no break from the kids” it will be strangely peaceful with just me & Jay. I’m not even sure what we’re going to do yet!

    I hope you all have great plans for your weekend!

    Alex – Blue & Gold Macaw


    You have GOT to see Alex and his detail shots. Click here to see him on auction!

    Here’s a little bitty image, but clicky on the link above to go see the good stuff. I am SO pleased with this piece!!

    Alex – Macaw WIP


    I’ve decided to name this sweetie Alex. It’s a gender free name (since I am not sure of the gender), and it’s abbreviated for Alexandria, which is where I met him (her?). Remember that airplane sketch/study? I will probably include the study with the painting. 🙂 The first WIP shot is pretty funny, looks like blue feathers and a beak just floating around, this one is more grounded. I should have it finished tonight or tomorrow morning and will list it on eBay. (it’s 12×16 in oil)

    Mackie the Cockatiel


    Mackie is finished! Here she is!

    Baby Lora


    My very good artsy friend Taba Rhodes called about 2 AM (yawn, stretch!) to let me know that she’s in the hospital to deliver Lora! YAAYY! (Yes I woke up after a minute or so, when the news sunk in!)

    Thinking of you, Taba! Hoping your labor is progressive and easy (as easy as it can be!)!! And HURRY UP Lora, so I can paint a pretty picture of you!

    Lora Helen Rhodes
    Born 7:15 am Mountain time
    7 lb. 12 oz.
    20.5 inches
    Natural birth
    NO epidural
    NO petocin
    Full head of hair!
    Digital camera in tow, pics soon!


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