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>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • Blue Jay


    I cannot tell you how difficult it was to get a pic of this Blue Jay! They’re pretty fast birds, and I suppose they’d have to be since most of the time they’re stealing other birdie eggs (the meanies). I love their markings though!

    So how you guys doin’? I hope you’re enjoying watching me get back in my painting groove. Me, I am still getting used to a bunch of stuff here around the house. For 18 months I was doin’ it all, and talking to myself all day, and talking to you guys when I felt like I was borderline “really wierd” for talking to myself so much! 😆

    Ok, I’m really wierd anyway. I admit it.

    I did manage to get boxes put together yesterday for all of the gifties I’ll be sending out. We did a lotta shopping at Disney! I’ll ship everything together when I finish up this Lion painting.

    So today I have to go to the grocery store (again, I just went last week, yet another thing to get used to!), finish the underpainting on the Lion and finish up the Catfish. I’m doing a great deal of pacing, wanting everything to turn out perfectly for everyone, and I know I’m being a lil wishy-washy on any kind of set schedule. Bad for you guys, but better for the end result of these paintings. I hope you forgive me and know that it’s all going to come back together soon!


    sheila said,

    Hi Leanne,doin’ fine today, just keeping busy and enjoying my studio. It’s nice that you are back and cranking along and adjusting to stuff. I would imagine that it is somewhat challenging to adjust to the change of having your guy around the house again. I mean no matter how much you love him you still have to adjust after so long a time. You’ll do great, you are a trooper.
    I’m enjoying seeing your progress with the paintings 😀

    4.21.2005 @ 9:30 am
    Sue said,

    I have really been enjoying your photos.. how you manage to get these great animal pics is a wonder. It seems like they always move just when you think you have them. BTW… your lion painting is one big WOW!!!!!


    4.21.2005 @ 10:26 am
    Leanne said,

    Hiya Sheila! I hope you’re creating some beautiful new pieces too! I will have to go check. 😎 You’re right, too, about the adjustments. Just when you think that phase is over, it does a wierd twisty and there’s more to go through. 18 months is a long time to be alone physically and then have someone around all the time again! He keeps hogging up my side of the bed! 😛

    Sue – I saw a huge red tailed hawk this morning when I ran for groceries. I was hitting myself in the head for not having my camera with me (I usually bring it everywhere). It was about 30 feet from the side of the road in open grass picking something apart. To think of all the shots I miss makes me crazy, so I overcompensate with the ones I am able to get! I’m glad you enjoy them, I have plenty more that I haven’t even shown yet! 🙂

    4.21.2005 @ 11:33 am
    taba said,

    can i paint this birdie? he’s so lovely!

    4.21.2005 @ 1:51 pm
    Karen said,

    Hey Leanne,
    What happened to the pink and purple colors on your webpage? They were my favorite!
    The lion portrait is to die for..absolutely, completely stunning. Love the photo of the blue jay! They are something.

    4.21.2005 @ 4:43 pm
    Leanne said,

    Taba, yes you may paint him, thank you for asking and I’m glad you likey! He was just out eating again, too! (Yay for eating seed and not baby birdies!)

    Karen, I pulled the stylesheet earlier today so I could mess with it a bit. I wanted to pull the right column up higher so I modified the background. Mark and I need to have a new pic taken! (HINT HINT, HONEY!) Anyhoo the pink is back up! 🙂

    4.21.2005 @ 5:29 pm
    Steve said,

    Check out the Cornell Lab of Ornithology web site and look at the entry for Blue Jays in the About Birds link. You will find that the bad rap they get about eating other bird eggs is exaggerated. Then, before you call them meanies, take a guess at what animal on this planet has consumed the most bird eggs since bird eggs appeared on this planet.

    They are a gorgeous bird and a lot of fun to watch. Smart, active and capable of some astonishing and beautiful vocalizations beyond the raucous commonly heard jay call.

    4.11.2008 @ 4:58 pm

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