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>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • Get creative with me!

    Mark, the Million Dollar Man Auction



    If anyone reading this knows if there’s been a link to Mark’s Portrait auction posted somewhere, could you let me know where it is? Holy Wow there are a ton of visitors today!

    I’ve had a few more really nice comments through it, and a couple of poopie heads, but you’ll have that, eh? I’m grateful for those who appreciate what I did. I’ve even had an inquiry for a custom portrait of another fella, of course I’m not charging a million bucks for ’em, so if you’re curious about that and my pricing, just ask. Our guys and gals in uniform get special pricing. 😉

    White Chocolate Raspberry.


    The best comfort food in the world!



    Today is another hard day. :*(

    Meet Cocoa!


    Here’s the newest addition to our family, Cocoa! She is a sweetie pie! 😀

    We saw some other cute critters today too…I told you today was Bunch-a-pics day!

    Bunch-a-pics Day.


    Yesterday was a nice day, we decided to take a drive and then a long walk. We have today and tomorrow left now and then 5 months to go. That’s really not so bad, we’ve got 13 down! It doesn’t feel like it’s been that long.

    I spent a couple of hours lastnight scanning Mark’s portrait (24×36) on my flatbed (8 1/2 x 11). I was a little frustrated with how the digital pic was representing the painting, it looks more like this (on my monitor):

    I changed all of the auction images too.

    Here are a few shots of our day yesterday. Purdyful.

    Caitybug spotted this bugger on a tree. HOW? How do you see a bug that looks like a leaf on a tree, and know it’s a bug? Kids.

    As much as I want to be in awe of Fall’s majesty, I know what follows. Still, I appreciate the changing colors as best I can, until they get dead. :P~

    Now this is what I’m talkin’ about! One great big blue heron to go. What a beaut!!! I wish I woulda had that super zoom lens! Well, if Mark’s portrait sells for a million bucks, I’ll go get a reeeeeeally great camera first thing. 😉

    Have a good one, I’ll be off enjoying the day with the Mister and our ducklings.

    Another Custom Pet Portrait Auction Listed!


    I just listed another $1 No Reserve Custom Pet Portrait Auction…

    you can view my listings here!


    Mark’s painting has received a ton of exposure already. I’ve receieved a couple of comments through it, do you believe someone actually took the time to click through to give me a NEGATIVE comment? It wasn’t just negative, it was just crude. Thank God my hubby makes up for that person’s lack of decency. 😉

    Million Dollar Man & Pearl


    Mark’s portrait is finished and listed.

    You can see his eBay listing here: Mark’s Portrait Auction

    I’ve also listed Girl With A Pearl Earring, you can see her eBay listing here:
    Pearl’s Auction

    I spent a lot of time writing their details, and preparing their auction images, so I hope you enjoy them both!

    Loves & Hugs!

    First Frost


    Mark is so excited to see the first frost of the season this morning. I, however, am not. LOL! I will have to rake, shovel, and freeze in general for the next several months until his final return. Bah!

    Looks like a mountain or something, huh? It’s a creeping charlie leaf in our backyard. About the size of a clover leaf. I love my camera. 😀

    Changed the blog again, I just removed the interior scrollbars. Better?

    I will begin painting on cam in about an hour (10AM CST), and will update again when I start! 🙂



    Ssh don’t tell anyone else, but I changed my blog again. hehe!

    I hope this is easier for you guys, I received some feedback that scrolling the outside frame to get further down on the inside frame was frustrating – and I have to admit I was frustrated too! So voila, shrunk it down, now hopefully you will not be having to do that! 🙂 Ok ok I’m going to go paint now!

    P.S. That’s another zoo pic from yesterday’s trip. They were talking to eachother!

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