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>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • My Home, My Garden.

    A Glimpse of Spring


    Because it’s cold. Because there was frost on the grass this morning. Because while burning over 100 CD’s worth of data, photography and paintings lastnight, I saw this one image and stopped for a moment to appreciate nature, and what I miss over the winter months. I miss my flowers, birds, warm breezes, green trees, the smell of freshly cut grass. I miss my summer wardrobe, my flip-flops, not having to bundle up. I miss open windows. Bright beautiful skies. Kids on the swingset, popcicles hanging out of their mouths, shirts stained in purples and reds. Sigh.


    Uh… iew!!!


    Excuse me, God? Yeah, it’s me again. I watched the news lastnight, and Mr. Weatherman said that this white icky stuff would not stick because the ground is still too warm. Were you not listening to him? I know you’re omniscient and stuff, but, well, I was just wondering if maybe the noise over on the other side of the planet kinda overpowered what Mr. Weatherman was sayin’. I mean, I understand you’ve got priorities and all that. God knows. (haha, get it? God? Are you laughing at my joke?) Anyhoo could you see to it that this stuff melts, pronto? I’d appreciate it. Amen.

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    Here’s another shot that was a bit of an accident. I was in my studio trying to focus in on the fire, hubby walking toward the house – I really didn’t want him in the shot but at this crop and with this screened effect I thought it turned out really cool! Er… I mean hot.

    Yesterday blew by like it was only 2 hours long. I swam in the morning and felt good and refreshed and energized. I came home and my neighbor had called (ahem. The one that is supposed to be swimming with me every day, Ms. Sleeperinnerhead.), so I called her back. She has a Very Important Person visiting next week so took this week off to prepare. Her house. By redecorating every room. And she lives next door to an artist. Heh.

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    Burning Leaves


    It’s yardwork day for dear old Dad, I just wondered how I might be able to capture burning leaves. Now I know.

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    Doubly Delightful


    If you think this just looks beautiful, you should smell it! I wish I could bottle the smell of this rose. This is a Double Delight from our garden that I cut yesterday and brought inside. I figured if it could make the driveway smell so nice, it could work for my dining room, too! Then this morning when I put it on the windowsill to get some light, well, you see what happened. Wowzers. A beautiful home grown rose on a clear fall day. Deep breath in… release slowly. Aaaah.

    I’ve uploaded the first entry into the Pumpkin Carving Contest, go look! And get carving, wouldjya?!

    Have a great Saturday!

    Fall Bling


    Fall has arrived. It’s so pretty, but why does it have to get so freakin’ COLD?!?! :cold:

    Today is one of the nicer days, clear blue sky, a little chilly but not freezing (yet). It is supposed to snow. Yes, snow. This weekend. That’s just stupid. Snow is stupid. All due respect to those who love playing in it, but brrr. I cannot justify putting 50 layers of clothes on just to go outside, and still have my eyelashes and nosehairs freeze and break off. It’s just not right. It’s very pretty, as long as you’re looking at it out a window from a cozy room that doesn’t cost $5,000 to heat every month. See? There are fewer and fewer things to like about cold weather every year. haha!

    The CAT scan wen’t well yesterday, I guess. I mean I didn’t fall over dead, and didn’t get claustrophobic, not that I’d have any reason to. The highlights were that I drank a gallon of chalk, got there, and was invited to toast the occasion with yet ANOTHER full cup-o-gagmewithaspoon. The dye IV was wierd, just wierd. The whole thing really took the wind right out of me though, for some reason. I’ll get the results on Monday – always the last to know, know what I mean?

    Ah well. I finished adding all of the Thirteen links, so go on and visit some new folks! Everyone seems very nice and I am going to try to go read everyone’s TT’s today.

    Happy Friday!!

    ‘Zazu’ Hornbill


    Here’s s’more eye candy for today, this guy looks like Zazu doesn’t he? What a cool bird. His technical name is Jackson’s Hornbill, but I’ll call him Zazu.

    I can’t really “hear” anything, but by all means, if you hear him talking, caption him!

    Ruffed Lemur


    Gorgeous Lemur, huh? I’ve been trying to photograph this guy through big black bars for months. Finally. (This is from my last batch of zoo pics, I really don’t go every weekend!)

    Sorry guys, it’s been insane over here the last few days! I’ll probably be painting (Bindi) on cam later today – I’ll update with the link if I get the thing working. If not, I’ll just show you another progress shot late tonight or tomorrow (it’s going to be a late night).

    Have a good Monday!

    My Buddy Gib


    This is my new buddy, a Gibbon. I met him at the zoo of course, you can sorta see my reflection in the plexiglass. He followed me around the ledge, and put his face up by my fingers when I touched the glass. I sat by him for a few minutes, right up next to him. He’s beautiful, and for the short time I was with him I wanted really badly to be a zookeeper, or Jane Goodall.

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