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  • Fall Bling


    Fall has arrived. It’s so pretty, but why does it have to get so freakin’ COLD?!?! :cold:

    Today is one of the nicer days, clear blue sky, a little chilly but not freezing (yet). It is supposed to snow. Yes, snow. This weekend. That’s just stupid. Snow is stupid. All due respect to those who love playing in it, but brrr. I cannot justify putting 50 layers of clothes on just to go outside, and still have my eyelashes and nosehairs freeze and break off. It’s just not right. It’s very pretty, as long as you’re looking at it out a window from a cozy room that doesn’t cost $5,000 to heat every month. See? There are fewer and fewer things to like about cold weather every year. haha!

    The CAT scan wen’t well yesterday, I guess. I mean I didn’t fall over dead, and didn’t get claustrophobic, not that I’d have any reason to. The highlights were that I drank a gallon of chalk, got there, and was invited to toast the occasion with yet ANOTHER full cup-o-gagmewithaspoon. The dye IV was wierd, just wierd. The whole thing really took the wind right out of me though, for some reason. I’ll get the results on Monday – always the last to know, know what I mean?

    Ah well. I finished adding all of the Thirteen links, so go on and visit some new folks! Everyone seems very nice and I am going to try to go read everyone’s TT’s today.

    Happy Friday!!


    Shannon said,

    Now that is an awsome fall picture! :slaphappy:
    oh, here via Micheles

    10.21.2005 @ 9:45 am
    UziQ said,

    Gorgeous picture!!:cheerful:

    10.21.2005 @ 9:59 am
    MOM said,

    I love you , Leanne 🙂 :hug: :lovestruck:

    10.21.2005 @ 10:09 am
    colleen said,

    Oh…I thought it was going to be more of a buzz cut! OOps I meant your hair, but somehow I got on the fall tree page. I guess that will be getting a buzz cut soon! Thanks for hosting the Thursday Thirteen. It was fun…and perked up the weekly comment exchange. I actually prefer to communicate in list form. Constructing coherent sentences that relate to eachother is so hard, and lists are much more like poetry! Why do you think the template code filled up my page and knocked off my sidebar stuff? Maybe my screen is smaller than everyone else’s?

    10.21.2005 @ 2:22 pm
    colleen said,

    PS love the title here!

    10.21.2005 @ 2:22 pm
    Nancy said,

    Love that picture!!!!!

    10.21.2005 @ 2:45 pm
    Mrs. Fun said,

    thats why i live where i live :yes:
    I can’t stand the cold and dislike the snow even more. It was 88 out today, perfect.

    10.23.2005 @ 1:25 am

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