Well today has been a moderately productive day. First I’ll give you your eye candy though! This is our pup Chloe, who is so old in doggie years that I need a calculator to figure it out.
She’s a good doggie. Part rott, part shepherd, mostly mushy gushy teddy bear.
Before Mr. left for work this morning we inspected our new growth, like we’ve been doing (somewhat obsessively) since we started planting seeds and actually growing stuff. It’s an exciting thing for us, watching dirt turn green and then running our hands over cottony soft bright green grass. Aaah. We are so easily amused!
The rain last week washed most of our seed into little piles. This past weekend, Mr. roughed up the soil again and we spread more seed. Today we have GRASS! It’s scattered growth, but still. Grass. Green. Grass. YAY US!
We also planted some of those gargantuan sunflowers in the back corner of the yard. This is where my morning surprise occurred today. I was standing there checking out the sunflowers (which have grown to about 2″ tall in 5-7 days), and noticed two squirrelies romping through the neighbors yard playing tag. Or something. Of course I didn’t bring my camera out, do you guys really want to see pictures of sprouting green stuff every day? But I wish I had it. Man. Do I ever.
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