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>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • Rural Excitement


    Well today has been a moderately productive day. First I’ll give you your eye candy though! This is our pup Chloe, who is so old in doggie years that I need a calculator to figure it out.

    She’s a good doggie. Part rott, part shepherd, mostly mushy gushy teddy bear.

    Before Mr. left for work this morning we inspected our new growth, like we’ve been doing (somewhat obsessively) since we started planting seeds and actually growing stuff. It’s an exciting thing for us, watching dirt turn green and then running our hands over cottony soft bright green grass. Aaah. We are so easily amused!

    The rain last week washed most of our seed into little piles. This past weekend, Mr. roughed up the soil again and we spread more seed. Today we have GRASS! It’s scattered growth, but still. Grass. Green. Grass. YAY US!

    We also planted some of those gargantuan sunflowers in the back corner of the yard. This is where my morning surprise occurred today. I was standing there checking out the sunflowers (which have grown to about 2″ tall in 5-7 days), and noticed two squirrelies romping through the neighbors yard playing tag. Or something. Of course I didn’t bring my camera out, do you guys really want to see pictures of sprouting green stuff every day? But I wish I had it. Man. Do I ever.

    I was about 8 inches from the corner fencing, our 4 foot tall fence connects to our neighbors 5 foot tall fence. Now try to imagine this. I’m watching these squirrels and I’m thinking “dammit!” (because I don’t have my camera) and I’m holding pretty still. Next thing I know, they are scaling the 5-ft fence right in front of me, sitting there, looking at me like I was one of their options for climbing on next. The first one was poised in such a way that I was completely startled, I seriously thought he was going to jump onto my jacket and scale me!

    He must have known he freaked me out, ’cause then he decided to very casually crawl along the top of our 4-ft fence right beside me, the second one right behind him. I swear I’ll have them tame and eating peanuts out of my hand before the year is over. (I wish.)

    I guess you just had to be there huh?

    And so the morning started. I waited for the UPS man, because everyone knows that the second you step into a shower he will ring the doorbell and end up leaving a note for you to pick up your item after 5 at an undisclosed location far far away. And the next thing I knew, it was almost noon and I was wondering where he was. I opened the front door and whaddayaknow? My package didn’t require a signature! He must have driven his super quiet monster mobile today. Or maybe he parked down the street and darted behind bushes and cars to toss it on my doorstep without me knowing. Cause usually I hear him from a mile away.

    And so the afternoon started. I ran errands. I made lunch. I took out the trash. Blah-blah-blah, and then the evening started. I made dinner. And suddenly I felt very special and very important because now I’m partnered with someone very special and important and I’ll tell you later what that’s all about. For some reason I’m craving run-on sentences tonight, feel free to add your own punctuation wherever you feel it may be needed.


    And so the night is almost over, and I have yet to do all the things I wanted to get done today. Thou shalt not fall asleep on the couch while the kids eat dinner and watch cartoons. Because they finish, and they go play quietly building tents in their room and leave you sleeping for hours.

    The end.


    erikie parikie said,

    Hi Chloe 😀 How come you guys don’t have a portrait of Chloe? 😎

    5.18.2005 @ 10:17 pm
    Leanne said,

    We do have a portrait of Chloe, remember?

    😳 🙄

    5.19.2005 @ 5:37 am
    Jo said,

    I know the feeling about seeing stuff growing where there was nothing. Hubby had me get Jerry Bakers book about Lawn Magic and we are going to try some of his tricks. My SIL and BIL swears by his tonics. Love the puppy picture (They are all puppies to me, including our boys) Love the site .. so beautifully put together. Such talent you have!

    5.19.2005 @ 6:46 am
    erikie parikie said,


    5.19.2005 @ 8:00 am
    Leanne said,

    Hiya Jo! Welcome and thanks for the tip on Lawn Magic! Definitely let me know how it works for you! 😀

    Erikie! 😉 🙁

    5.19.2005 @ 9:28 am
    Lisa said,

    Umm . . wait – -your kids play quietly? I’ve heard those kids – – quiet wasn’t quite the word that came to mind.


    Ok ok – – that was only on ONE phone call out of many . . I’ll give ’em the benefit of the doubt 😉

    5.19.2005 @ 12:58 pm
    Leanne said,

    Clarification: they play quietly when mommy is sleeping! 😆

    5.19.2005 @ 1:01 pm
    Leanne said,

    and P.S.! I thought kids were programmed to be noisy at the sound of their parents on the phone? Or is it just mine? 😛

    5.19.2005 @ 1:08 pm

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