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>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • Cast your Vote!


    According to the information I was given, I will have to choose from my animals only for my application this year. All of these are oil on canvas, and they are the ones I’ve picked. You can help me narrow it down to 5 if you’d like! (Please?!)

    Things to consider:

    Positive Impact. Which one(s) your eyes are drawn to first, which ones are you inclined to click on to see larger? (Oooooohhh’s and Aaaahhh’s are always nice. :wink:)

    Materials/Technique. When you look at them, do any look more detailed than the others or do you think I’ve selected pieces that are consistent in my technique? That would basically be shading, furstrokes, eyes. If any look “younger” meaning you can see differences between then & now, I do not want to include those as I’d like to show a consistent growth and proficiency in my medium.

    I think consistency and cohesiveness will resolve itself with eliminating any pieces that appear younger, since I’ve narrowed it down this far already.

    So, wanna help? Wouldn’t it be cool if when I’m famous you tell your friends “Hey! I helped her get into her first gallery!” I think so. (Pinch me, I’m dreaming again, and I’m not even on the beach with a Corona in hand!)

    You can click to see the larger image, but my gallery is still suckey at the moment and you may have to click “next” and “back” to get the whole image to load. Yea, I know, I’m working on it!! I’ll even add the number of votes they have next to their titles.

    Update: I’m eliminating the ones with the fewest votes so far!
    Update Again: Now they’re in order, highest to lowest, top five will be the ones that make it or break my heart again this year!

    Lion – 12 Votes

    Coon – 10 Votes

    Tortie – 9 Votes

    Ellie – 6 Votes

    Sissy – 6 Votes

    Nicki – 6 Votes

    Sandy – 6 Votes


    Hubby said,

    I am going with all the cats honey..I know each in person in some way shape or form…I really enjoy the work and how real they look in my eyes..
    love ya:smile:

    6.14.2005 @ 9:18 pm

    Sissy- I love the shading
    Lion- The most bestest Lion painting EVER!!
    Coon- I love the detail and the eyes
    Sandy- The fur is wonderful
    Tortie- They are sooooo hard to paint and you did it perfectly

    I went with a variety of animals. You can paint anything great!!!
    😀 I hope I was some help!

    6.14.2005 @ 10:31 pm
    erikie parikie said,

    Lion, Ellie, Sissy, Nicki and Tortie I like them because they don’t necessarily look like portraits, like they could just as easily been something you just wanted to paint to sell Good Luck RF!!!! *MUAH*

    6.14.2005 @ 11:30 pm
    taba said,

    coon, tortie-1, sandy,lion, sissy-1

    6.15.2005 @ 12:36 am
    Barbara said,

    Cleo, I love this one the best.
    Ellie is next.
    Lion is third
    The Coon
    Leanne, I love all of them but these are the ones I like best.

    6.15.2005 @ 5:06 am
    Mom said,

    lion, ellie, coon, sandi, tortie. I had to write that before I looked at anyone else. Now I’m going to go look!

    6.15.2005 @ 5:33 am
    Jo said,

    Here are my thoughts


    Good luck!

    6.15.2005 @ 6:45 am
    Leanne said,

    Wow guys, thank you!! So far Lion, Coon and Tortie are definitely going to be included, I’m personally torn between Sissy, Ellie, Sandy and Nicki. I think Ellie and Sandy have the most character as “themselves”, I feel like Sissy portrays a good technique in shading but the shading is also much more dramatic than the other pieces so I kinda feel like she breaks the cohesive factor. That’s where Nicki fits in better with the grouping. So if I eliminate Sissy, I still have to eliminate one more between Ellie, Sandy and Nicki. I love Ellie, but I wonder if Sandy keeps in line more with the rest of the group?!

    Aaaak! (You should have been around me when I did this last year!)

    6.15.2005 @ 7:41 am
    kris said,

    I think you should include Sissy. She fits the criteria in that she is an animal, which goes with the rest. but what sets her apart is the mood. I think you should show that you can do something other that ‘cute’ or ‘sweet’. my choices, in order are: Sissy, Lion, Ellie, Coon, and Tortie.

    btw….Tortie and Sissy seem similar in mood to me….(i.e. less cutesy). 😉

    6.15.2005 @ 8:34 am
    annie said,

    I like

    6.15.2005 @ 5:20 pm
    Leanne said,

    Maaannn you guys! Your input is absolutely priceless to me, I hope you know that. I am STILL trying to decide on the two I will have to eliminate! I wish I could include them all.


    6.15.2005 @ 6:04 pm
    Lesley said,

    I like coon the best, then lion, tortie, nikki and sandy. I especially like the way these subjects fill the canvas and the detail of the fur on these is extraordinary. Beautiful! Good luck, I hope you get in.

    6.16.2005 @ 6:56 am
    Lisa said,

    My two favorites aren’t listed – but of the ones that are, definitley the lion 🙂

    6.17.2005 @ 10:41 am

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