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  • Cock-a-doodle-doo!


    I just love this pic, it’s in my new gallery (under photography) along with some others that I haven’t shown here in my blog, and I keep looking at him but put off showing him for some reason!

    Here’s a fun little tidbit, when Mark was in Iraq, I had changed my IM “chime” to a roosters crow. Every time he logged on then, there was a resounding “cock-a-doodle-doo!!!” throughout the house as I also left the speakers on full blast. Nothing was more reassuring and exciting to me than hearing that (damn) rooster crow!

    Nowadays, however, not so much! If I hear a rooster crow on TV, at the zoo, wherever, I about choke on my heart for some reason. What once used to calm me is now something that I find somewhat startling and maybe even a little terrifying!

    I really am that nuts. (Ask around, I’m sure any number of people can confirm that.)

    So, dear friends, some of whom used to get an earful (on the phone) of crowing on occasion, how do you feel when you hear a cock doodly-doing?


    Tommi said,

    When I hear a rooster cock-a-doodle-doo I think “Those poor people who have to listen to that at the butt-crack of dawn….” I’d shoot the damn thing for waking me up so early!!! I LOVE my sleep. He is a beautiful buddy though.

    Oh- and “YES” you are that crazy!!!:mrgreen:

    8.13.2005 @ 8:06 pm
    Patti said,

    I grew up with roosters as an alarm clock…I still would love to live on a farm with chickens and roosters. If I had a farm I could have even more cats (proving even your friends are nuts!) 😆

    8.14.2005 @ 6:39 am
    Sandra said,

    ‘Fowl… I cry foul!’ said the chicken cop as he shook his feathers.

    What a magnificent looking bird. Great photo, Leanne. When I hear a cock doodling I always yell at the ole man to close the bathroom door. Anyway, I use to…..

    8.14.2005 @ 10:27 am
    annie said,

    Yeah, if it’s crowing, it better shut up cuz it’s the buttcrack of dawn and it’s pissing me off!

    When my husband first got his cell phone he put it on that “rooster” and I hated it! Now he has it on the ear-splitting “fire alarm”, the most god-awful, loudest ring!

    8.14.2005 @ 8:55 pm
    Leanne said,

    A fire alarm! EEK!!! You poor thing! ((Annie)) 😆

    8.15.2005 @ 8:23 am

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