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  • Gotchya


    Every time I say “GOTCHYA!” I automatically add “A TOASTER! Gotchya a TOASTER!”

    You’d get it if you saw that episode of Will & Grace.

    So. This morning at 6 AM, just after the rooster crowed and I shot it, I went and checked the glueboards I set out lastnight before bed. The fourth board caused the first word out of my mouth this morning to be “gotchya!” A TOASTER! No. I got the dang mouse. Now what. What the heck do you do with a mouse glued to a glue board? What’s protocol? Rinse in warm water and release? Uh. I needed coffee.

    And so I put the mouse, glued to the glue board, on the counter. And I pondered it over a cup of coffee. And I looked at the cute little pictures on the sides of the glueboard boxes I had out.

    I’m a wildlife artist, and this is NOT my nature. Uh, can I keep him? He’s so cuuuuute. No? Back to the box.

    Seriously. Just throw him in the garbage? It would have been more humane to poison him. “Here, buddy. You’re totally stuck to this board and your fur is completely buggered up with glue, you can’t move, you’re freakin’ out because this was totally unexpected – here you were just running along your normal path and what the… what is this sticky stuff?!?! and I’m sorry, here’s your brown paper bag casket.”

    “The Neighbor Kid” (because I know he’ll get a tickle that I called him that on my blog) said I should take him by the tail and peel him off the board. OMG. Wouldn’t that be like scalping the hair off a beggar? No way.

    And so my conscience weighs on me again, another beautiful innocent creature dies at the hands of the so-called “Nature Lover”. But before you cast all those stones at me, let me just say – as God and my Husband are my witnesses, I didn’t mind having him as a house guest until – UNTIL – I had to reposition my monitor yesterday morning and guess what? Mouse turds. ALL OVER MY DESK. No, thankyou. He was making out with my mouse while I was sleeping. That just grossed me out. At that moment, it was him or me.

    Boy do I feel like a hypocrite, though.


    Jacque said,

    This is the neighbor boy’s mom, and I say your both nuts!! Nature lover or not when the unwelcome guest shows up and doesn’t leave quickly on his own, I’ll gladly show him the door. I mean the inside of the trash can so he could never visit again! Besides he (the sweet neighbor boy) probably just wanted to see a bald mouse. LOL No, I’m sure he thought you were being merciful because he knows there would be no contemplation on what to do with a mouse at his house.

    8.4.2006 @ 10:29 pm
    Mrs. Fun said,

    :sorry: i hate and yes i mean hate rodents but that picture makes me sad. But yet, its just a rodent. theres mllions more out there waiting to chew through your electrical wiring of your vehicle and cost you hundreds of dollars :rant:

    okay i got carried away there.

    8.4.2006 @ 11:44 pm
    Mom said,

    :rofl: Oh the picture of the “mice” making out LOL!!! You are too funny, and I think you can add “writer” to your list of talents!! The stories you tell on here and how you tell them would make the best reading!! I can see it on every coffee table in America – heck make it in different languages – THE WORLD!!
    Your “episodes” always leave me laughing!

    (Have hubby dispose of it.. )

    8.5.2006 @ 8:16 am
    Raehan said,

    We had the same issue. Glue boards are the worst. We used everything. I always made my husband get the traps in the morning.

    8.5.2006 @ 8:53 am
    pamibe said,

    I’m a nature lover too, but if it invades my home, it’s fair game. The bald mouse would have been dunked [board and all] in a bucket of water to drown. End of story.

    Okay, so I would have made my husband do it. Same thing. :winking:

    8.5.2006 @ 11:08 am
    Debbie said,

    So as I read this I am thinking you probably don’t want to hear my story of my mom, the broom and the baby mice!!! Maybe I should do that one for Monday Memories, it was funny! i am with you. They bother me when the get into my territory but with the 3 stalker cats I fear not!! :meow:

    8.5.2006 @ 12:53 pm
    Phoenix said,

    Mouse catching is the males job in this family. He is cute but once you have unprotected sex with MY mouse… marriage is not even an option! 😉

    8.5.2006 @ 12:54 pm
    cjsteff said,

    Nature belongs outside and as my daughter says “everything has a right to live” (while she’s argueing with me not to kill the giant hairy spider)…I add “until it comes in my house!” Have a good weekend, in spite of the mouse. Hugs,clara

    8.5.2006 @ 2:03 pm
    Shelli said,

    Don’t feel bad. They carry disease! Just keep that in mind.

    8.5.2006 @ 2:07 pm
    Robin said,

    I’m just impressed you were able to pick it up at all :scare:

    We’ve wondered if we have a mouse because we think we may have found mouse droppings…we’re not sure. We did get a…bird feeder!!! :dance:

    8.5.2006 @ 2:48 pm

    nature belongs outside, not in your home. an unwelcome guest is just that, i don’t like to think of what has to happen when something like that happens in our home either, but the reality of what diseases these little guys carry should be enough to lessen the guilt.

    8.5.2006 @ 4:22 pm
    Ficklechick said,

    I’m in awe that you picked it up yourself! I could never touch it, ewww!!!

    8.6.2006 @ 4:37 pm
    colleen said,

    I once used a “have a heart” and the mouse had a heart attack. I didn’t think it was any more human. These days I guess I have no heart because I just poison the suckers. The problem is that they die in your house…and STINK! I have a couple of glue boards out now too. But none have taken me up on the sticky offer yet.

    8.8.2006 @ 1:17 pm

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