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>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • Guest Artists, Kris & Clara


    I’ve been meaning to put these up for you guys to see for over a week now! Kris and Clara both have tremendous artful eyes, and shared some of their work with me! It is definitely good eye candy!

    First, Kris, who thought she wasn’t good enough. Hah! I laugh! I set up a fruit still life with my new dimpled silver dish that came with a lotion set (Christmas gift), and challenged her by sending her the photograph of it. This is one of a few, the gal actually painted it 4 times in different medium and tones. I liked this one the best, it caught my attention first! Nice work, Kris!!

    Then Clara, who in my personal opinion should be a pro-photographer, or perhaps she was one in another life (if you believe in that kind of thing!). Ever since I saw the images she’s able to capture and the moods she sets with her subjects, I’ve bugged her to go further with it. Lucky gal, now her hubby seems to be encouraging it too! He just bought her a new Canon she’s been drooling over, so I’m really looking forward to seeing many more great photos from her! Out of a bundle of pics she sent me, I picked this one because it sucked me in, made me feel like I was either flying or just up on top of a mountain looking out, right there in the moment. What beautiful scenery!!

    Please help me encourage these two to push forward! So much talent, so little time…

    {1 Comment}

    Paige said,

    Kris & Clara – Way to go girls! Keep up your passion of creativity will ya’? It’s good eye candy!

    1.25.2005 @ 12:54 am

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