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  • Happy Eggs : Good Eats


    This morning, while Chickeymonkey was cracking eggs for our morning scramble, our eggs made a face at us! I am hoping this is a good sign for our day and weekend, I’ve got some things to do as I’ve now volunteered for something that will cause me to virtually magically disappear for a few days. I’m not sure what I was smokin’ at the time I volunteered, but it must have been some good stuff since my head is still spinning!

    I was very housewifey yesterday, did the grocery shopping, threw a wonderful and huge pot roast in the crock pot with some chopped veggies, balanced the checkbook (gulp – 4 months worth – I was behind!), paid some bills, and made some Peppermint Crunch cookies. I was hugely disappointed when I checked my roast after a few hours, I pulled a piece off to see how tender it was and I’d have sworn I was chewing on a tire scrap. WTH? I may very well be a failure as a cook, but as Lisa is my witness, I’m a damn fine baker!

    After a few more hours in the crock though, it was falling apart and I felt better. It still wasn’t going to be edible in time for dinner though, so we ate out lastnight. After dinner, we stopped over at Blockbuster and purchased the new release “Fantastic Four” and it was so good! I usually don’t like that kind of stuff but it was really entertaining for all four of us snuggled up on the couch on mounds of pillows in our jammies and under blankets, nice and cozy. 🙂

    We picked up The Red Violin (Lisa raves about it so I have to see it!), March of the Penquins (bought it), and a few others for weekend viewing. It should be a nice (warm, indoors, away from the icky cold snow outside) weekend!


    colleen said,

    That’s great! I at first thought you copied the photo from somewhere. Greater still that it exactually happened.

    I wanted you to know that I WAS playing scrabble and drinking tea when I read your sweet and prophetic words of comfort recently…and it made the LL post today.

    Your post here was very calming to me. The everday small stuff is often the richest when we notice it.

    12.10.2005 @ 10:11 am
    D said,

    Love your site… and thanks for working so hard on the TT stuff. I finally linked you from my blog.

    Happy Holidays

    12.10.2005 @ 11:08 am

    i saw the red violin a few years ago, it was really good.
    your eggs do look happy;)

    12.10.2005 @ 3:46 pm
    Clara said,

    Hope you have a happy weekend to go with your happy eggs. Hugs, clara

    12.10.2005 @ 6:01 pm
    Susie said,

    The egg yolks look so cute! :cheerful:

    I’ve been wanting to see “March of the Penguins” for a while. I hope you have a very nice, cozy, warm, cuddly weekend!

    12.10.2005 @ 8:13 pm
    Taba said,

    heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey!! im home im home!!! david told me you called. i was in alabama for 2 weeks. i like your eggs!

    12.10.2005 @ 10:37 pm
    Marcia said,

    I can’t believe you’ve never seen the Red Violin! I love that movie!! Enjoy it…

    12.11.2005 @ 2:09 pm
    Dawn said,

    Happy eggs! That’s great. Around my house, Sweetie , would have wisked them up before noticing. She’s been in charge of Saturday breakfast for awhile.

    12.11.2005 @ 4:25 pm
    Jen said,

    I love your eggs!

    Don’t feel bad about going 4 months without balancing your checkbook. We have some friends whose checkbook got so out of hand they just stopped writing checks for a month, then started fresh from their new bank balance rather than try to sort it out.

    12.12.2005 @ 6:40 pm

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