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  • Happy Thanksgiving


    To me, today is about being consciously aware of the blessings in your life. I try to think of these things daily, so today is one of those that you get an extra helping of dessert. (Hey Care, pass the pretzel pie!)

    My life is blessed in so many ways that I don’t get too hung up on the bad stuff for long. Optomism helps! I have two beautiful and smart girls; a wonderful, loving husband, and a comfortable home. Friends and family who love, support and encourage us as a family as much as they encourage me artistically whom I adore. Faith that has carried us through so much, especially the past year, and has kept us safe and healthy. And especially, because this is my artsy blog, I am blessed with a gift that I am honored and privileged to share through my website, that positively effects the people who see it and those who receive it. Because of this gift, I’ve had the opportunity to meet so many wonderful, kind, loving and warm people who are as passionate about life and love as I am. It’s an amazing way to come in contact and become friends with people who are so likeminded.

    That being said, I would like to wish all of you special folks in my life a blessed day, an extra helping of pretzel pie, and just as many if not more blessings that you are consciously aware of every single day. Life is good. Enjoy it. 🙂

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