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  • How Do You Do It?


    I have to know.

    Over the past year, I’ve forced myself to get on the treadmill and forced myself to exercise when I actually have taken the time to do it. Why do I have to force myself? Why do I find every and any excuse and grab on tight to it nearly every day?

    In talking to my buddy this morning, we asked ourselves some really important questions that neither of us can answer.

    Why do the temporary side effects (sweat, breathlessness, time and effort) seem to outweigh the ultimate benefits and immediate results of exercise (increased energy level, weight loss, strength & endurance)?

    HOW does one go about becoming addicted to exercise, to the point of needing it every day?

    Over the past year of pushing myself mentally, I still do not feel like I need it. I know the benefits, I enjoy seeing the decrease on the scale and on the tape measurer, I love seeing the size of the clothes I pick out.

    Still, I dread it, I procrastinate, and I talk myself into putting it off until it’s bedtime. I’m proud of myself when I get on the treadmill, when I make time for it.

    Here I’ve been making a whole bunch of positive changes, but I’m still falling short. I still purchase prepackaged foods, still eat out, still choose the wrong things to eat most of the time, still have no idea how to combine foods for maximum nutrition and have no desire to learn.

    So what do you do? And if you don’t, do you want to? Do you wish you could make those permanent positive changes? Or do you think those changes really just suck, and if you’re alive you may as well enjoy the time you’ve got? Where does one locate the motivation and stick-to-it-iveness? And how much does it cost?


    tommi said,

    Leanne, I totally hear ya. I feel the same way. What is so hard about getting my butt out of bed in the morning and just spending 1/2 hour out of my day to benefit myself? 🙄 Heck if I know. They say people do things force of habit…. but you’ve been going at this tredmill thing for how long and still have yet to be “habittized”. 😡 Who makes up these facts:?: And why don’t I fall into that catagory? 😥
    I guess we need to have a one on one w/ Oprah? Heeh?! 💡

    7.13.2005 @ 1:30 pm
    Sandra said,

    If you were unable to walk, getting on a treadmill would be a blessing. The enjoyment of physical movement rarely is noticed until it is no longer available. Awww… the beautiful dance of movement.

    Does it work for me? Hell no.

    Perhaps taking up an activity that you enjoy, swimming, volleyball, baseball, etc. might compensate for the treadmill. Of course, the key to that is a willingness to get out of the house and the blessing of having a lot of fun people to do it with.

    Don’t have the answer. If I did, I’d be rich!

    7.13.2005 @ 3:53 pm
    annie said,

    I just wanted to comment about what you said yesterday, about not being a big name in the blogosphere. I think Michele is the only big name person I am even interested in reading and that’s because basically everyone goes there to talk about themselves! who would want to be a big name anyway, can you imagine how much work and pressure that would be?

    I love your blog and your artwork and I really enjoy what you have to say. It takes all kinds to make the world interesting!

    7.13.2005 @ 4:41 pm
    Hubby said,

    I have to make a comment here…I fell in Love with you. I dont give a hoot about size or shape. I love you for who you are and what you are, a mother, lover, wife, and my friend. You know that I cannot answer your question because I do all that is said to be unhealthy, I believe I live my life the way I want and in the same thought, I need to change to watch the girls grow old.
    Do I have the answer? no, I have love and happiness in who I am and what we have.
    Do what makes you happy honey..I just plain flat with out a doubt love you with all my heart.

    7.13.2005 @ 5:01 pm
    Leanne said,

    Tommi – Oprah can afford personal trainers. 😐

    Sandra – you’re right, and I have a wonderful dear friend who keeps me grounded so that I don’t take for granted the things I can do that others can’t. I know how lucky I am, but I do feel I need to honor that blessing and not(crap) all over it, know what I mean?

    Annie – thank you! I hear you, I’ve seen what being “famous” can do to some people, and I really don’t want that. What I do want is for people to come here and appreciate the simple stuff, and I’m glad you do!

    Mark – you make my point for me. See girls? When you have a husband like this, who needs a treadmill?! I do so love you, honey, for loving me for who I am. I could sit around and eat Godiva and Ben & Jerry’s for breakfast lunch and dinner and you would probably just ask me to go get more ’cause I hogged it all and you wanted some. But you and I both live with my self-esteem (or lack thereof) and I need to keep going on this. It does help me stay motivated and driven, and above all else, it keeps me happy with myself.

    (Did I mention the sweat and iew and ik and time and effort? Uggg)

    7.13.2005 @ 5:24 pm
    Misti said,

    I am addicted to the gym. I haven’t been able to go due to a nursling that refuses a bottle and a kidscare that doesn’t take babies under 6 months. I am cranky,on edge and counting down the days untill i can go again.
    How i got addicted is i saw results of the work and then saw those results fade if i didn’t go. Get those headphones on, jam to your favorite music and get lost for those 30-45 minutes.

    7.13.2005 @ 11:19 pm
    Clara said,

    Hmmm…I ate pizza and dt. pepsi for breakfast. Not a good way to start the day I guess. I have found that I cannot deprive myself of everything I love, Like my sister’s chocolate cheesecake. Instead I find that everything in moderation works best. So I had my pizza this morning, so for lunch a salad and a reasonable dinner and fruit for dessert. I’m not the best on the treadmill either. For me I always think of a 100 other things I’d rather do with my time. Now, I’m motivated to lift weights so I can go rock climbing. Find your motivation, be it new clothes, an activity, or a special treat for yourself. Like you get dessert on the days you treadmill only. Don’t worry about size or a number. Worry about being strong and healthy. I wish I had the answer for you (and for me too. I do know that you are my friend and you owe it to yourself and your family to take care of yourself. How can we take care of others if we don’t take care of ourselves? Sending you hugs, clara

    7.14.2005 @ 8:32 am

    Damn, you’re just like the rest of us.

    Exercise is work. There is a reason they call it work.

    No one gets up in the morning and says, ‘I’m off to fun!’

    Man, I’m on a tear today…

    7.14.2005 @ 8:13 pm
    Leanne said,

    I walked almost 3 miles today. By that I mean 2.39. That’s not too bad. So I rewarded myself with Haagen Dazs, and Wendy’s. And tomorrow I shall try again. The exercise thing, that is.


    7.14.2005 @ 9:33 pm

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