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  • In 10 Minutes.


    My (insert heart shape here) really belongs to my Doctor.

    That’s what my bumper sticker would say, if I were one of those “I (insert heart shape here) stuff” kind of people.

    3:00 AM wasn’t nice to me this morning, neither was 3:30, 4, 5 or 6. But, my beloved Dr., whom I love dearly (I mentioned that), is 10 minutes away from getting a marriage proposal from me. Polygamy sholygamy, he’s the man of my dreams. I’m sure my husband will understand.

    See, I’m just yammering long enough to waste spend that 10 minutes before I go pick up a prescription he just called in for me. What? Why? One stinking tooth. Shooting pain to the back of my eyeball. Throbbing, owie owie owie. I am one tooth away from reaching our maximum allowable individual annual expense for our almost completely stupid dental insurance. Give. Me. Pain. Pills. Right Now. Kind of pain. Brush and floss every five minutes kind of pain. Tilt your head sideways to drink some coffee and keep it all on the other side of your mouth kind of pain.

    My back? Oh yeah, the back pain – well I can hardly notice it now with all the throbbing from the neck up. hah.

    Ding! – my ten minutes are up!


    Lisa said,

    Nothing in the world sucks more than dental pain. Bah!

    I feel for ya – – glad to hear your dentist has got your back! :muted:

    7.11.2006 @ 2:27 pm
    MommaK said,

    Mmmmmmm…a yummy dentist that gives out pain pills :lovestruck:

    7.11.2006 @ 3:34 pm

    dental plan, sweet!
    hope the pills help.

    7.11.2006 @ 3:36 pm
    Taba said,

    i’m sorry!! hope you are floating now with your pain meds!

    7.11.2006 @ 6:32 pm
    H.A. Page said,

    Sure hope you start to feel better… The art piece of your dog is just stupendous. I miss my dog so much — she couldn’t make the move to NYC. When we go to visit her, she smiles for the camera — she’s so happy. I wish we had a painting of her with us as good as what you have done. It would make the missing of her more bearable.


    7.11.2006 @ 10:18 pm
    Shelli said,

    Ouch! I hope you feel better, honey.

    7.12.2006 @ 12:09 am
    Michele said,

    There is something so very sexy about a man who can offer drugs when needed. Whereas there is something not-so-sexy about a man who offers drugs when not needed. Yes, sexy IS on a now-needed scale.

    I hope you are feeling much better. Hugs…..

    7.12.2006 @ 12:21 am
    Laura said,

    Dentists are so sexy in that way….(g) Tooth PAIN is the worst pain on earth, I think. I hope it’s gone by today!

    7.12.2006 @ 6:53 am
    Lisa-TheShizzle said,

    Aww! :indifferent:

    I just went through some excruciating teeth pain a few weeks ago. I’d rather give birth – seriously!! It was awful. :p

    Hope you feel better soon!!

    7.12.2006 @ 7:02 am
    Nancy said,

    owie!! Hope the meds help…..

    HAve a big margarita that will help, who cares if it is 10:00 am!

    7.12.2006 @ 8:53 am

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