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  • Lie To Me a Little


    Please tell me how nutritious this is for me. How because there’s orange and cranberry in it that it negates all 13 grams of fat. Tell me that the first ingredient, sugar, is dissolved and eradicated when immediately followed by a drink.

    Tell me that Weight Watchers would only score this at a measly 2 points, and that it’s okay if I polish this whole thing off with a pot of fresh black coffee because I did my lower body workout on the bowflex this morning.

    Tell me I deserve a little indulgence because I just had my annual boob sqwashing appointment. That I’m excused due to cramping and/or PMS. Or that it’s “free” because I plan to paint it, and still-life food is always “free”.

    Tell me anything… just don’t tell me that this is going straight to my hips, because I will have to virtually slap you silly.


    Shelli said,

    Is it cake? Is it part of a muffin? Because muffins are good for you and cake is not. All food is calorie free if you eat it over the kitchen sink. So however it shakes out, just eat it by the sink and your good. I am not a very good P2G support person right now. Sorry. I have my period and that affects my ability to think logically about food.

    3.8.2006 @ 12:48 pm
    Leanne said,

    Oh, it’s cake. I looked at the muffins, but they’re not nearly as big and sweet as my appetite when I’m PMSing. I’m with ya, P2G sis – totally with ya!!

    3.8.2006 @ 12:54 pm
    Laura said,

    It’s good for your soul. Because we only live once.
    ~enjoy~. 😉

    3.8.2006 @ 1:36 pm
    Phoenix said,

    Hmmmm, you could always do the 2 second floor oops and then eat it cuz everyone knows that is finders keepers and free! 😛

    Seriously though… If you are PMS’ing then calorie counting has to cease for those moments. Sweets are the only thing that has kept man on this earth as long as they have been!!! They’d all be dead without it! 😛


    3.8.2006 @ 1:37 pm
    YellowRose said,

    I was always told if you don’t have naything nice to say don’t say anything at all……. :muted:

    That looks so good, but so off my diet!! :sorry:

    3.8.2006 @ 2:26 pm
    Crusty said,

    I’m too late, aren’t I….

    Man, you sure know how to get a mouth to water. I’m going to have to go make some coffee and scrounge through the cupboards looking for a treat. I wouldn’t want you to feel alone.

    Crusty Crone :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

    3.8.2006 @ 4:35 pm
    Jacque said,

    :jawdrop: I can’t believe you didn’t call me to talk you out of that. Shame, shame. More shame, because you didn’t invite me over for some coffee and cake! You know, what are friends for? 😆

    3.8.2006 @ 10:35 pm
    ivoryfrog said,

    How come I missed this? There was cake….yummy cake too by the looks of it and no one invited me? :bawling:
    Well, I forgive you this once but only cause I had my Weight Watcher double chocolate brownie pud (it IS only 2.5 points…and seriously yummy) and some dark chocolate in the fridge.
    Now get back on the diet wagon the lot of ya!

    (and if I haven’t lost this week its all lazy daisy’s fault… of chocolate on her blog and reasons to eat it…so her fault right?)

    3.10.2006 @ 3:13 pm
    Angel said,

    I assume it has some kind of flour (grains) and eggs (protein). You’re good 😉

    3.13.2006 @ 11:26 am

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