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  • Local News, Misinformation


    For those of you locally who saw the news lastnight, WQAD reported that our Galva unit would be arriving stateside this coming Tuesday. That’s 2 days from now.

    They’re wrong.

    I wish our media agencies would take more responsibility when reporting and confirm the information they’re given. You really get a good idea of how erroneous our news is when you’re a part of the story and know the actual facts of the situation. I did write the controller, who knows if they will correct the report or even attempt to validate it, but I didn’t want my local readers to get all hyped up about a Tuesday arrival stateside. To my knowledge (which is often firsthand), my countdown is still reflecting the correct “homeward bound” date.

    Welcome back, SPC Duncan, your unit is following just a couple of weeks behind you!

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