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  • Made it out ALIVE!


    I did it! I’m back from the dentist.

    I’m getting a root canal, nah-nee-nah-nee-boo-boo. I know, you’re so jealous! Well I’m just lucky.

    Referred pain sucks. When he finished I looked in my mouth and thought ‘huh?’ and asked him why he worked on the wrong tooth, or if he did them all. LOL Well apparently the one I thought was my owie was not my owie. It was just having sympathy pain. My teeth are so empathetic I tell you, even during the procedure my top left was screaming out in agony at the sound of the drill.

    Even so, I’m back, I made it out alive, and I’m not in any pain (right now). HAH! So there!

    I’ll paint today, I’m not sure when or what yet, but I will paint! (Check the webcam status.)


    Patti said,

    Root canals — what “fun”! I will not make any remarks about dental work because lately everytime I mention something medical or dental it seems I wind up with it! (no I am not a hypochondriac!)

    5.6.2005 @ 2:39 pm
    Leanne said,

    I wouldn’t wish it on you, either! I have to admit. For all of my fear, he did a really great job and I haven’t been in pain at all. I am ::gulp:: mildly anticipating going back and getting everything else fixed now. Dang him.

    5.8.2005 @ 7:35 am

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