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  • Martina


    My hubby finally asked for a Christmas gifty this year! Can you guess what he wants? Hint: Martina McBride is going to be here in January. He has a big ol’ celebrity crush on her and her voice!

    Boy got a couple of seriously good seats to that concert, Merry Christmas honey! Tickets went on sale yesterday so I snatched up two of them all sneaky like while he wasn’t looking. I’m a spoiler, he already knows. 😛

    Funny thing, I had been listening to Martina (and that’s unusual for me) during the painting of this last commission. I tend to pick music and stick with it if it keeps me in my groove, and her self-titled CD did just that. Now we’ll see her in concert! Who’s the last person/group you saw in concert? I think the last one I went to was 5 years ago or so, we saw KennyG. I’m a party animal, I tell ya.

    In other news, I’m completely exhausted. I finished J&L’s portrait yesterday (it’s drying), went back over to my neighbors (I’m glutton for punishment) and put a new floor down in a 20×15 room. That was the main accomplishment anyway. My hands look like “the claw”! I wish I could spray some WD40 on my knuckles, shoulders and knees – know what I mean?

    Today is Gaudy Overdone Outdoor Christmas Lights and Decorations day. Hubby has truly missed Christmas the last couple of years and it’s his favorite holiday. This year he has promised to make our house a Tim the Tool Man Taylor replica! Yahoo! I can’t WAIT!



    Mrs. Fun said,

    i love concerts and miss them. we used to go to one about every 3 months. but its been over year now :bawling: Gary Allen was our last.
    once T is weaned we will start goig more,if we can get a sitter.

    11.20.2005 @ 11:23 am
    MommaK said,

    My sister is a huge Martina fan.Good for you on getting tickets already. You’re so ahead of me on Christmas. We have not even thought of decorations yet. Right now we are cleaning out the garage and basement …seriously- don’t be jealous:sarcastic:

    11.20.2005 @ 12:09 pm

    depending how bad your hands are, you can put vaseline on them at night before you go to sleep, it really helps them heal plus makes them soft again. and if you use the baby formula one, it seems pretty good too!

    11.20.2005 @ 1:06 pm
    Tommi said,

    Lucky you’s! I love Martina! Fun, Fun, Fun!
    Last concert I was at was the Paige and Plant concert back in 98! OH MY GOSH has it really been that long?! I’m pathetic! :shock::shock::shock:
    I’m sorry about your “ailments”. NO good. You’ll get better soon. :yes:
    Well, enjoy your electric bill! I’m sure you’ll be thrilled when you get it.:winking:
    Bye! :wave:

    11.20.2005 @ 3:00 pm
    annie said,

    I don’t know if I need to go to more concerts or less. I’m in a major funk after my Stones experience a few weeks ago. I guess I feel old…:sad:
    (and I HATE smilies.)

    11.20.2005 @ 3:28 pm
    poopie said,’s been way too long since I went to one. I guess it was either Bruce Hornsby and the Range or James Taylor on Mud Island in Memphis. I went all the time as a teenager….and LOVED it!

    11.20.2005 @ 5:01 pm
    Chickadee said,

    I expect to see pictures of your gaudy overdone outdoor Christmas lights. LOL.

    11.20.2005 @ 7:45 pm
    Clara said,

    We tried Christmas lights today…ended up yelling and then taking the dog to the dog park so I didn’t have to actually speak to him. I’ve figured out that it is simply a job I should do by myself. Now for makeup fun! The last concert I saw was U2 and if you ever get the chance see them! They are definately the coolest and after 30 years, they are better than ever and I saw them about 14 years ago and if I ever get the chance, I will see them again. What a bah-humbug to tell Mark already! Hugs to you and yours and Happy Turkey day this week if I don’t talk to you. Clara

    11.20.2005 @ 10:25 pm
    running2ks said,

    It is his privilege, nay, his DUTY, to provide entertainment for the masses who must drive by and look at lights every year 😉

    When we see a house with lights that are AWESOME, we leave a card in their mailbox telling them so. *roar* *roar* *roar*

    11.21.2005 @ 10:51 am
    Angel said,

    I love Martina–I don’t have quite the range she does, but I love to sing her songs 😉

    11.21.2005 @ 1:43 pm
    Paige said,

    Wow…good for you actually going to a concert! Even if it is to see a country singer. :raspberry: You two are just so hip I tell ya’! You’ve been to a concert within the last five years! They actually still have big concerts these days? It’s been well over 12 years since I’ve been to one! Gawd I feel old. I can’t remember if it was U2, Billy Joel, Pink Floyd or Poison. That is how bad my memory is now. Eeek!

    I agree with Clara on two points! U2 is AWESOME in concert and Christmas is a solo job for me also. My hubby is a bah-humbug when it comes to decorating for the holidays! 🙁 I’m so glad you and Mark get to enjoy the holidays together (and the decorating)! Have fun and I hope you get a little R&R this week. Happy Turkey Day a little early! GOBBLE GOBBLE! Hugs to you and the kids!

    11.22.2005 @ 11:32 pm

    […] Tonight was the concert, I bought these tickets for my hubby a couple of months ago for Christmas. […]

    1.21.2006 @ 11:56 pm

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