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  • Not again, not so soon!


    toothless grinIt happened again. Lastnight my Chickeymonkey lost the other bottom front tooth – in her pizza. Bawling that she couldn’t find it, terrified that she lost it or swallowed it, we found it on her plate next to her slice of pizza. (:phew:)

    It’s happening too fast. Why couldn’t it wait a couple of weeks? Why couldn’t I get to see one adult tooth before a new one popped up? Now, now my babies face is going to change dramatically, and it’s going to happen much too fast for me.

    I learned my lesson the hard way with Catybug. We were all excited when she’d lose another tooth – and then I’d have a look at her school pictures and think – holy cow. What is happening to my baby girl? With every new tooth, her face changes and becomes more mature. With every empty space, she’s growing further away from “my little girl”.

    It’s a little heartbreaking, I have to admit. Especially with the Chick, since once she outgrows her baby face, I’ll just have to envy all of the other baby faces I see. Then I’ll get that yearning for a baby again – yeah I know it’s going to happen. The smell, the snuggling, the unawkward and “don’t stop tickling me” behavior.

    Slowly, things have changed around here. The girls are more sensitive, and need to be tended to in a different more emotional way. You can’t tease and have fun as much, it’s become a little more serious. You can tickle, but not right now, because if she’s not in “the mood” you get “that face” and you’ll be sorry, beacuse now they hold a grudge for more than ten seconds.

    One more tooth – it’s just a reminder of how much further away I am from my sweet silly little girls, and how much closer I am to not getting to pick up the phone on a whim – since it’s in use by a pre-teen. The earnestly seeking guidance in their innocent and pure faces slowly turning into “doh mom, I already knew that.”

    It won’t be long before I’m carting them both to the mall and movies with their girlfriends, before I’m forbidden from listening or joining in on conversations they’re having with their friends. Before they’re embarassed when I hug ’em or kiss them when I drop them off or pick them up from school.

    It’s hard to start that whole backing off and letting go process. I can only hope I’ve already given them the information and tools they need to start really developing their individual opinions and character. Catybug is well on her way – but Chick – this is new territory for her and she’s such a mini-me. My heart is already aching for her, knowing her mind works just like mine – and knowing those “if I could change one thing about what I did when I was a kid…” talks will probably not make much of an impact on her, since nothing my mom told me made me change what I was about to do. Still, I’ve got to try, right?

    Sigh. Yeah, mom, you got your wish. I’ve got a kid just like me. I also have a kid who is a good mix between Aunt S. and Aunt T., so I’m a lot less worried about the fine young woman she’s turning into.

    Chickeymonkey. Ah, my sweet, mini-me Chickeymonkey. It’s going to be a long bumpy twisty-turney ride. I’ve just fastened my safety harness, it’s locked into position, so just cover your ears when you hear me screaming through the loop-de-loops.

    (anyone have any tooth superglue? I kinda really wanna put it back.)


    Nancy said,


    My girls are eleven now. ANd, talk about holding a grudge. I decided not to go to VT and they are MAD at me. And, not that it is sunny out; supermad! We better be getting that giagantic storm on Sunday, so they understand.

    My husband is having a hard time w. his princesses growing up.

    And, ya know I talked about my son, my baby, going into HS, recently.

    All we can do is hope that they learned what we taught them. No matter how snotty they seem to us.

    4.14.2007 @ 7:13 am
    Mom said,

    Well, you weren’t that bad… just remember, “mini you” is going to tell you ALL those things that you could have lived without knowing too… 😮
    All in all, you’ve got two awesome kids that you can be proud of – even when they’re “off and running”… – oh, and S & T?? heh-heh…. :yes:
    Just enjoy the ride – you do get to a stage when your “wisdom” just doesn’t cut it – that’s when :bawling:
    Congratulations Chick!
    Love you guys!

    4.14.2007 @ 7:54 am
    Sarcasmom said,

    It does go by so fast, doesn’t it? Whenever my grandson does something mischevious, my daughter says the same as you. “IOkay, you guys got your wish. i have a child just like me!”

    4.14.2007 @ 8:16 am
    Friglet said,

    What a great post! You’re right, it does go by fast.

    Take it from a mom whose daughter is spending the weekend with her brother at his college apartment……..

    4.14.2007 @ 11:16 am
    clara said,

    Ifeel your pain. Feels like it all happens in the blink of an eye. Hugs to you and your beautiful girls, clara

    4.14.2007 @ 11:59 am
    Sword Girl said,

    Aww! I know what you mean!

    4.15.2007 @ 10:55 am
    MommaK said,

    Awwww!! I missed 2 teephers! She looks wonderful with her new smile. And now she can spit like a pro 😉

    4.16.2007 @ 9:02 pm

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