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>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • Painting Sandy on the Cam today!


    I will be painting on cam again today, I’ll start at about 10AM CST, have to finish up some things before I dig in!

    The link is over there to the right, under Mark’s pic. Also, I’m not sure how good the quality is for you, but if you right click on the image you can increase the size. It might get pixelated. When I get some time I will try to find a new/better cam service that will allow for a larger view. 🙂

    Cam link is over there! ———->

    10:37AM had to take it down for a little bit, will be back shortly!!!
    11:00AM I’m back on!
    1:50PM I’ve repositioned the cam over the painting for now, I need to step back from it for a while so I can refocus on it. Will be back in a bit!

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