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>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • Pearl : Work to be done!


    I still have some work to do! I created a transitional gif lining up Vermeer’s work with my work in progress photo so you can see what I’ll be tweaking. I will be painting in a little while, it’s storming right now and kinda gloomy out in the studio. This may take a few moments to load if you’re on dial up:

    A week from today, Mark will be on probably his 5th layover on his way home!! I was talking to my girlfriend lastnight about how excited I am. My heart still skips and I still get “twitterpated” when I see him or hear his voice! (Twitterpated, is that from Bambi? Can anyone confirm that? LOL) I can close my eyes and picture myself at the airport watching him walk toward me. Awww you would think that after 15 years the weak kneed part of the relationship goes away, eh? I’m so grateful that is not the case for us, as I know it is for so many couples. I can see us 50 years from now, much like his Dad and Stepmom, we were just destined for eachother.

    Have any of you seen Serendipity? Yea! We’re a lot like that! If you haven’t seen it, it’s an awesome lovey dovey movie with John Cusak. I highly recommend it!

    This is probably going to be the coolest part for Mark, I’ve lost 47 pounds and I’m down 4 sizes since he last saw me in March. WOOOOOWIE! Of course he’s seen me, and pics and stuff, but I think it’ll be a lot different in person, yea?

    All that being said, now I’ll ask you all to keep him in your prayers, that he remains focused on his job until he’s safe & secure in the air next week! Grazie, friends!

    One of these days I’m gonna have to do a roll call, I know you’re reading this, so speak up! 😉

    Have a great afternoon/evening, I will update again when I start painting!

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