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  • Preservative Junkies R Us


    Those of you who know me well know a couple of things. First, I don’t ever, ever get a single cheeseburger when I get one. (Moo.) Okay I can pack it away, most often eating just one meal a day. I’m a carb-o-holic, bakery goods are my friend. A few things have happened over the last week or so, I’m working toward an even healthier version of me. It’s been over a year since I started this whole thing, dropping over 50 pounds since I began, my heart valves which were deteriorating are actually healing as a result of being more physically active. I also had a major surgery that has more than positively impacted my health.

    Nearly a week ago now, I quit smoking. Yep, I smoked, yick huh? Yeah. Well don’t crucify or even applaud me yet, because it’s only been a week. I quit cold turkey, haven’t had any withdrawls or anything, except for the expulsion of crud that’s been building up in my lungs for 15 years or so. I quit when I was pregnant with both the girls, we also never ever smoked in the house. Mark is also quitting (right, honey!?), we’re both trying to extend our lives a little bit, cause, as you all know, ’tis a great planet we have here. (hahaha!) We just want to see our kids grow up and have kids, that’s all. BTW, I’ m not a believer in cigs as an addiction. I’ve told a lot of people that, and a lot of them think I’m nuts, but I truly believe that your body doesn’t crave, your mind does. and I believe that we have control over our own minds, so if we want something bad enough, to break bad habits etc., we have the power to do it within ourselves, we just might not have the strength or desire. Just my opinion on the matter, of course.

    One thing I learned quickly this past week though, it’s not a good idea to try to quit preservatives in the same week. No. Don’t do that. Saturday was miserable here, we ate non-stop, but what we ate was all healthy stuff and by the end of the day all we wanted was McDonald’s. Everything on the menu would have been nice!

    I decided to transition a little slower, making baby steps toward my new goal. I concocted this healthy lunch today and had to share, because this sammich rocks. You have to try it and tell me how you like it okay? I think I could eat this for breakfast lunch AND dinner. It’s that good.

    1/2 Avocado, mashed (60 cals)
    2 slices honey wheat bread (140 cals)
    Broc sprouts (10 cals)
    Thin slice o’ Tomato (4 cals)
    2 bread & butter pickle slices (30 cals)
    6 slices smoked turkey breast (50 cals)
    1-2 pieces of lettuce (4 cals)

    Nummy good sammich
    Total calories: 298

    Basically you take 1/2 the avocado and mash it, and spread it on the bread in place of butter/mayo. Then put sprouts on one side and lettuce on the other (the avocado’ll help it stick, that’s my logic. I hate it when my stuff falls all over the floor while I’m pacing.), then just randomly stack everything else. Really, it doesn’t have to be in any particular order. You could even toss it from across the room, grab yourself a scorecard and see how it goes. Lunchtime fun, yea? Ok.

    You guys have probably all tried this before right? I’m the last person on the face of the planet to try to eat healthy stuff? I bet I am. I thought I was being original, if that counts?


    Jo said,

    Okay, this is the diabetic in me talking — loose the bread and you’ve got a winner!

    Congrats and stopping smoking. Me and the CSM are smokers, and we would have to do this together if/when we decide to quit.

    6.21.2005 @ 12:05 pm
    Leanne said,

    Jo do you use Pita or anything? Don’t you go spreading mashed avocado on your hands, that could get sticky!


    6.21.2005 @ 1:13 pm
    Jo said,

    I actually use low carb whole wheat bread -honey .. I’m just giving you a hard time though 😛 Glad to see you taking care of yourself. Do I miss the snickers and daily egg mcmuffin? Yes — would I be a diabetic if I had started missing them years ago? Who knows

    6.21.2005 @ 2:22 pm
    Sandra said,


    You…you…you jus quit smoking?!:sad: Tha…that’s great.

    Just a minute….
    Okay, I’m back. I had this sudden urge, ah, that I had to take care of…co…co…cough.

    Have you ever watched old 40s and 50s movies where every scene has someone lighting up a cigarette? Man, those people puffed big time.

    Dropping some weight, eating healthy, letting go of smoking…sounds great. You go, girl! And if you fall all you need to do is climb back into the wagon.

    And I agree about it being all in the mind. Did I mention I have a weak mind?

    Good luck!

    6.21.2005 @ 3:23 pm
    Leanne said,

    Weak mind! Hahaha!

    Now you’re reminding me of a couple of my girlfriends – I was talking to one of them yesterday (you know who you are) and she was just packin away, and here I’m listening every time the pack smacks her palm (well that’s where I did it) thinking Mmhmm. Thanks. A bunch. Meanie. 😆

    Okay gotta quit talking about it.


    6.21.2005 @ 3:29 pm

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