Here’s another shot that was a bit of an accident. I was in my studio trying to focus in on the fire, hubby walking toward the house – I really didn’t want him in the shot but at this crop and with this screened effect I thought it turned out really cool! Er… I mean hot.
Yesterday blew by like it was only 2 hours long. I swam in the morning and felt good and refreshed and energized. I came home and my neighbor had called (ahem. The one that is supposed to be swimming with me every day, Ms. Sleeperinnerhead.), so I called her back. She has a Very Important Person visiting next week so took this week off to prepare. Her house. By redecorating every room. And she lives next door to an artist. Heh.
Can you tell where this is going? I helped her paint a room a few months ago, a nice beautiful rich bordeaux color. Introduction to Color 101, shall we say. She does like color, just not on her walls. She wanted to lighten it up so started to sponge this – uhm – yuk face labeled color all over the nice deep rich red walls, and they turned What’s Eating Gilbert… Grape. Yesterday was grape-squashing day.
I checked my canvas first, still wet, so I thought “No one can say when I’m dead that I don’t make good use of my time”. At least not yesterday. I ran next door to see what her plan was and she was already pouring primer. I sent her over to the Java Hut to pick up some Gasoline, or rather Diesel, I think it was Diesel, that Pumpkin Pie Spiced Latte, because I didn’t run out until 1AM. I primed, two coats, I painted, two coats of “off-white”.
She tried to convince me that it’s really not white (el blanco, it is!), I tried to convince her that white that is tinted with less than two squirts of hue does not count as “color”. It is so close to the absence of color that it’s too close to call. She cussed at me in Spanish. (Tip: when you hear people having a conversation in Spanish and they start to talk faster, they’re ticked and generally cussing.) I dissed her in English. It was all good, I love my neighbor. We have an open, honest relationship like that, and thank God I don’t live in her house because I would have fallen over when the white walls closed in on me while I was on my hands and knees scrubbing white floors.
I should envíe una factura para mi trabajo, no?
She ordered pizza, we dressed the room with as much as was ready to put into it, and because I wasn’t quite out of fuel I started doing other little things here and there until finally, 10PM came and I remembered that I had children in the other room. Quiet little boogers, they are! Oh they were happy and totally not neglected, so you just hush right up. I finally crashed at 1:30 this morning after a pre-emptive strike on the pain with a dose of Aleve.
Did I say 2 hours? Oops, my bad, I meant 20!!!
Phew. I’m awake, ready to :swimming: to relax and get in gear for another layer of paint today, this one in my studio!
I would also like to thank everyone who stopped by yesterday. I will probably not get a chance to respond to you idividually but thank you so much for your comments on my Burning Leaves photograph and my Work in Progress! I have to add that Taba, you’re a fruitcake and I love ya. If you (who are not Taba) want to know why, please have a look at my Blogmap (sidebar map link) at my latest entry – that cute little chickey flipping me the bird. That’s Taba. (She’s an artist too, she just pretends she ISN’T ONE at the moment!)
:wave: Hugs to all of you today! :hug:
Wow! Busy busy girl! I want a neighboor like that! :bawling: Someone to go and paint with and eat pizza with and drink mud with.
I was missing you yesterday. I checked your blog about a hundred times yesterday! Nice to know you’re still alive! :good:
I Love the photo of your husband with the rake.
You’re so right about “the compliment.” People who are developmentally disabled are so uncorrupted by the social pressures to lie.
Thanks for stopping by. I’m jealous of all the swimming you do. I have to jump on my big trampoline. It’s the only way I can feel weightless and get some excercise around here!
The picture came out great! You had a huge day yesterday! I hope today isn’t near as busy for you! Take care!
Wow, awesome picture. I like that one too. I would be interested to see it in color too.
Oh yea, this is ColleenC by the way. In the last few weeks I’ve come across a surprising number of people who share my name. For simplicity’s sake, I’ve decided to change my screen name to Chickadee. I LOVES the chickadee birds!
I LOVES your new name Colleen! Here, just for you. Enjoy!
(Didn’t take that one in color, B&W only. I could color it though, But don’t really wanna. :P)
:lovestruck: hola mi amiga…..you are such a fruit,
you crack me up ad make me laugh with all your funny things you say .i dont know what i would o without you.. you are so sweet ad special i dot kow how i will ever repay you for all you do for me . thank god i have you for my neighbor. and keep practicing the spanish you are learning. :yahoo: hasta luego ya me voy a la lowes y la Jc pennys adios.. kathi
What a cool picture!! I am a fan of pictures where you can’t see the face. :yes:
I walked this morning!! It felt awesome! I thought, iif Leanne can swim, i can walk. So i got my butt in gear,boys dressed and just did it. I feel great!!:yahoo:
Bueno. Es una vergüenza que su vecina es un mal estudiante de colores. LOL! I, too, am jealous of all of the swimming you get to do. It will snow here shortly.
You guys are testing me – I use babelfish for my translation! 😆
I love having time to swim, even if it’s just for half an hour. BTW I swim at the YMCA, or at least I will until my neighbor gets that inground pool she keeps promising me (to keep me from moving away.) hehe!
I left you a comment on those birdie pictures. Thanks for leading me to that link!
:friends:hey you i got the things pulled out of the walls , wall paper off, most of the clothes out of the room, i will spackel them holes in the morning
no i didnt buy a coffee pot yet but i will very soon
so we can drink diesel from home.. :dance:and now im going to bed , so i will talk to you later have a good night and this darn key board is defective…:rant: kathi
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