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>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • Still Settling In!


    I was going to recap our vacation in long form, but you guys don’t wanna hear all that do you? Oh man, yes you do.

    Well, lemme see here. I have about 20 minutes to get ready to go, I have to drive 80 miles today to go get a live catfish so I have a model for this project. I’m going to get that done pronto so I can get pics of this slimy wierd lookin’ thing and show you – then I promise I will sit down and recap everything!

    I took 1200 photos and just finished transferring them over to my hard drive a little while ago. I’ve still got to sort thru and pick more to share with ya, so I need a good couple of hours to write!

    I will be back later today!

    {1 Comment}

    kris said,

    that sounds like a country song….”i drove 80 miles for a catfish.” Hope you caught one. 😆

    4.12.2005 @ 2:01 pm

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