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>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • Sunday : Lion Painting


    Help! I lost Saturday. I woke up and was certain it was Saturday, and not 5 minutes later it was midnight. Dangit I hate it when that happens!!

    Well, one thing happened yesterday that I really needed to have happen. The Catfish was carried out of my studio and drove away carefully tucked into a sleeping bag. With the fishy smell lingering in my studio, and the temps down to the low 40’s, you can imagine how motivating it is to open the windows and paint like I’ve been craving! Now that he’s gone I’ve sighed my huge sigh of relief and can officially wash my hands with some really strong deoderizing soap. ha!

    My schedule has me shipping this Lion tomorrow (absolutely no later than Tuesday) so guess what? With my underpainting dry and ready for it’s final coat, the studio clear of large obstructive fiberglass creatures, I am going to paint with the stereo up very loud for an insanely long time today. So there! I’ll update the cam status when I turn the cam on.

    Eye candy today, our pretty Cardinal. I took this pic the other day (he was eating with the Blue Jay).

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