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  • The Results Are In


    Blah blah blah degenerative disc … blah blah comes with age .. motherhood .. blah blah .. no visible compression .. blah blah physical therapy.

    The end.



    Geez that doctor was lazy using too many “blah blahs” on his report. 🙄 But I guess blah blahs are better than a back surgery eh??? (((((HUGGIES)))))

    Are you going to my blog to see me in my booby shirt or wha? 😀

    8.16.2005 @ 12:28 pm
    Tommi said,

    So now what? Gettin’ old- ain’t it grand?!
    Cortizone? You can’t walk around in pain….
    …did you get Rayne’s msg?

    8.16.2005 @ 3:05 pm
    Sandra said,

    Yeah, I’m with Erika… too many ‘blah blah’s’ in the report. 😆
    Glad to hear it isn’t something worse, although I know the pain must suck.

    8.16.2005 @ 3:33 pm
    Heather said,

    Sounds pretty blah to me 😉

    8.16.2005 @ 9:23 pm
    Leanne said,

    I kinda feel stupid, like I’m making it all up you know?

    Me: “OWWWW”
    Doc: “Well really, you big baby, it’s not that big a deal, you’re just getting old. Suck it up!”
    Me: “WAAAHHHH!”
    Doc: “Are you serious?” 🙄


    8.17.2005 @ 9:52 am
    annie said,

    Tell that Doc to whip out the Vicodin! Remember, he’s working for YOU.
    Damn stingy doctors.

    8.17.2005 @ 12:33 pm
    Leanne said,

    My poor doc, I do give him such a hard time. He offered me Vicodin, he did! And I shook my head nonononono because I have kids to take care of all day, and stuff to do, and that stuff makes one very lalalandish. So he gave me Darvocet, and wheee! I felt like I just got off of a really spinny rollercoaster when I took that! So yes, I am asking for every ounce of pain that I’m enduring, all for the sake of feeling “normal”. As if! 😛

    8.17.2005 @ 2:07 pm

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